-How to stay grounded-

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May 18, 2018

Packing has never been my strong suit, and it's especially hard when everything distracts you. My mind wouldn't focus.
Whether this was because of my seemingly multiplying mental illnesses or my 2-3 hours of sleep a night, I wasn't sure, but it sucked ass.
I was exhausted.
School, while it was nearing the end, became more stressful. Teachers were pressing harder than before.
Most of my grade were finishing with a bang, getting back their university letters with good news. The student council was hastily planning for prom, while girls were frantically buying dresses.

I wouldn't know most of this stuff if it weren't for Camilla, who got into the university she wanted, for law- in which I didn't even know she wanted to be a lawyer. She was also panicking for prom, since she hadn't gotten her dress yet. She wanted to be "the sexiest girl there", in her words, and I told her she would be no matter what.

From my side of the scene; I got my letters back with the good old "we're sorry to inform you". I ripped them up and threw them in the trash. I could just take a year off. I didn't even know what I wanted to be.
Jenny and I talked, she would help with the beginning of the pay, but I would be in debt for a long time no matter what she started with.
And then prom, I guess I could get a suit, Ive still working for the old family back at the foster home regularly, and had enough money to get one.
Camilla wanted me to go with her and to also invite Will, but I don't know.

But now, in the present, I was packing to go camping with Will. I just got back from school and I was trying to finish up before he picked me up.
I ran my fingers through my mop of hair. I wanted to cut it all off for getting in my way.

I shook my head, trying to snap into reality. I checked my phone and saw Will would arrive in less then 15 minutes.
I cursed under my breath and went to my open closet, grabbing a random hoodie just in case and threw it at my duffle bag, and then headed to the bathroom grabbing any toiletries I could use in the middle of a forest. It was only one night, I don't know why I was worrying.

I added in my recent book, 'pet cemetery' by Steven king, and zipped up my bag.
Then I flopped onto my bed where my phone was, plugged into the wall. I scrolled through tumblr tiredly, when my stomach made a noise.
I then remembered that eating was in fact an important attribute to life; something I hadn't done that day.

I sighed, knowing if I didn't eat anything before I left I would get yelled at by either Jenny or Will, so I dropped my phone and headed downstairs.
I grabbed an apple from the fridge when the front door opened and shut.
My stomach made another growling sound so I bit into the apple, savouring the sweet taste, and stepped out of the kitchen to watch Will struggling to get his shoe off.

I snickered and he looked up, like he was caught in the act of stealing, holding his foot in the air. He smiled sheepishly and gave another yank, but it was obvious he tied his laces too tightly.

"Maybe you sit down and untie them," I suggested, taking another bite.

"That's so much work though," he complained, shoulders slumping as he gave up on his converse.

"More work than jumping around on one foot for 2 minutes straight?" I laughed. He looked at me, glaring this time, but dropped to the floor in one fluid motion- very gracefully for someone so tall. Then he unlaced it and pulled it off smoothly.
I watched, amused, until he jumped up to his full height, towering over me. Fucking tall people.

He laughed, noticing me looking up at him with annoyance. My head was practically ripped all the way back. He booped my nose before I could have time to react.
I slapped his hand,

"Disgusting," I tried to keep a angry face, but I ended up snickering as I turned away and made my way back to the stairs.
He laughed heartily and followed me.

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