-How to eat cookies. A lot of cookies-

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January 4th, 2018

"Nicooo!" Will exclaimed, barging into a session in the last 5 minutes.
Jenny jumped in her seat and placed a hand over her heart, like the small scare made it skip a beat.
"And Jenny, hello to you too," Will nodded at her with a warm smile as he walked over and flopped onto the couch beside me. Recently, over the last few weeks, he's become drastically more touchy. I usually hate it. Actually, 98 percent of the time I hate it, but Jenny and Will seem to be the two exceptions. Maybe Carmen sometimes.
He leaned his head onto my shoulder and sighed in content.

"So we're still doing sessions twice a week? Even though you guys live together?" Will questioned after we greeted him.
We had been doing the same amount of sessions ever since I moved, so I didn't know why he was asking. It was a lot different now, but we made it somewhat the same, like I wasn't around her 24/7.
There were two moods around Jenny now, being closed off at the house so she doesn't see how I actually am, and being open to her in the security of her office, telling her how I feel. I don't want her to see that I can be rude and mean and a general asshole when I was acting up. I didn't want her to regret adopting me, even if I was 18 in less than three weeks now. If she ever thought that adopting me was a bad idea, I would know I truly am a horrible person.

"Obviously Will, why would we stop all of a sudden?" I nudged his head off of my shoulder and sent him a playful glare. Jenny gave me a look saying 'don't you dare think we're done with this conversation'.
I told her that I still wasn't getting a ton of sleep and I was worried out of my mind about going back to school and exams and literally life that will be happening in the next 4 days.

"I don't know, maybe because... I don't know. No reason I guess, I was just wondering," he shrugged and laughed. It sounded like sunshine- each ray of sun enveloping me in warm hug. Without being cheesy or anything.

"Oook then, I'm guessing you two are going on your little cafe date," she smirked at both of us evilly and continued,
"And I have another client in 6 minutes and not much time to get ready for it and check up on Carmen so, you know, scoot," she waved her hands in a pushing manner towards the door. I glared at her and then turned my attention to Will, who stood and held out a hand. I took it and stood up with him.

"May we, my dear?" Will said in a terrible British accent with his head held high. I glared at Jenny once more before scooping my coat up and hooking my arm with his,

"We may," And we left with soaring confidence. Once the door shut, we burst out laughing, clutching our stomachs and tears forming in our eyes. A girl of about 13 and her mother passed us to get inside the office and stared at us with slight concern. I wasn't blaming them, we probably looked insane, and for all they knew we could be insane, standing outside of a therapists office. If they were new, they may have no clue why type of people Jenny sees.
I stood up and wiped my tears, trying to catch my breath. All my worries were gone at that moment, and only Will could do that. I didn't understand.

"Come on, lets go to the cafe, we gotta get our table," I breathed out and Will nodded, not able to form words. I threw on my coat and took my dark grey beanie out of the pocket, slipping it over my hair.

"You look paler than usual today," Will told me as we clopped down the steep stairs. I haven't been eating a lot, or sleeping a lot, which is probably why, but I wouldn't tell him that.

"Maybe it's because it's winter," I replied, throwing the glass door open and being hit with a blast of icy cold air.
"F-fuck it's freezing," I stuttered, wrapping my arms around my body as if that could help.

"It's been winter for like two months Nico, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," he seemed to be ignoring the cold in his massive parka, hat and mitts.

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