-How to vacation-

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March 11th, 2018

The end of the day was incredible.
We relaxed in the sun, got Pina coladas (nobody cared about ages it seemed) and went swimming multiple times. Most of the people in the town were locals. We didn't have to engage with other tourists which was a stress relief- but because we barely know Spanish we couldn't talk a ton in the first place.

Once the sun started to dip past the horizon we decided to pack up our stuff on the beach and get the salt water and sand off of us so we could go out for dinner. It wasn't like it was cold- because it definitely wasn't- but the ocean breeze was cool enough that I could wear jeans a light shirt. Sadly, my feet were exposed with flip flops that jenny insisted I would need.
I had come out of my room at the same time as Will who was sporting khaki shorts (wouldn't be surprised if it was the only thing he wore), sandals, and a muscle tee. He's the type of person that can pull off a muscle tee. Of course he is.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door with a smile, and didn't let go as we walked to town. At the end of our street, where the hotels and houses turned into shops, we found a cute restaurant with tables out on the road, fairy lights strung across the tree beaches over head and soft music playing from the outdoor speakers. It smelled incredible.

Obviously we got fajitas, and while I decided I wouldn't have any more alcohol, Will got a beer.

About half an hour into our dinner a group of street dancers arrived. They danced in a way I had never seen before. We tipped them.

Then we walked across town and strolled down the beach back to our place. The moon was rising red. It would be full in two days.

The time change made it seem like an hour later than it was, so after sitting outside to look at stars, we went to bed.

March 12th, 2018

The next morning, birds woke me up. It was 7:30, and morning light was filtering through my blinds.
I snatched my phone off of my bedside table groaning. I'd have to shut my window next time, which was annoying because I liked to listen to the waves as I fall asleep.
On my phone, Jenny had texted me good morning and to have a good day. I smiled softly, eyes full of sleep, and sent her a quick reply. I threw my phone onto the bed and pulled myself up.

I left my room, rubbing my eyes and yawning. Across from me, Wills door was also open.
I shuffled over sleepily and peered inside cautiously, but he wasn't there. How early does that boy wake up? It was basically dawn.
Frowning, I turned to look around the open space that held the living room and kitchen. Still no sign of Will, except for the opened mini box of mini-wheats on the counter and an empty bowl and spoon in the sink.

I realized my chest was bare, so, shivering, I grabbed a random shirt from my bedroom floor to throw on with my pj pants.

Back in the living room, I found that the curtains in front of the sliding doors were pulled back. If I had been more awake, I probably would have noticed noticed before. Or the fact that the sliding door was open. If I had been alone, this probably would have been a scene where I realized I had been robbed in the night. It would be funny because I would be completely useless. I didn't even realize the door was open.
I slid my feet over the tile to the door and shoved it open wide enough to step onto the balcony. As soon as I was outside, the morning sunlight washed over me, warming up my body temperature ten fold. It had probably only rose an hour ago, and it was already this strong.

I squinted my eyes at the brightness and peered out at the beach with a hand above my eyes. It was too early to be searching for my boyfriend. All I wanted was a hug, not a scavenger hunt.
The beach only held a few people. Adults going on early morning runs, walking their dogs, fishing before the beach gets busy. All I saw was the back of Will's head.
His feet kicked at the turquoise water lazily (his shoes disregarded in the sand above) with his hands in his hoodie pockets and his head tilted back at the sky. Honestly, that man was like a sunflower. Always facing the sun.
Wearing his stupid Khaki shorts, he looked carefree- I couldn't even see his face.
Without checking my appearance, I shoved my feet into my sandals and jumped over the balcony railing.  Thankfully we were in a condo on the first floor, or that would have ended badly.

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