-How to tell the difference between reality and dreams-

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May 10, 2018

It took me a bit to wake up the next morning. My room was cold, and my bed was so warm. Plus, my eyes were stuck together from sleep, and I didn't want to open them to the inevitable light.
I swung my feet over to the side of my bed and let them hang off before rubbing my eyes. My foot touched the ground, ready to lift me to a standing position and bring me to the bathroom, but the floor was freezing. I lifted it back up like I had been shocked, which I kind of had been, by the cold of it.
My floor in Jenny's house had never been like that, even in the winter. It was properly warmed and was well built. The last time I had felt cold floors like that was at the poorly heated foster home.
I gave my eyes one last rub and then opened them up.

And quickly shut them again. And squeezed them tight.

When I peeked one eye open again I couldn't make my eyes shut if I wanted them too. And trust me, I wanted to close them for eternity. My head whipped around the room in shock.

I was back in the foster home. My old room. Stacked books spread around in disorder, crappy wood floor that were freezing cold in the mornings unless it was the middle of summer, big window that was open and letting in cold air, old uncomfortable bed, and worst of all, no Will in the said bed.

I jumped up and did a full circle of my old room. I never wanted to come back here, ever. And here I was waking up in it.
Thunder crashed outside making me jump way too high.
I ran and shut the window before it started raining. My toes were frozen.
I looked at the room from the new angle. I was mildly freaking out.
From my array pillows I could see the words I was sure I covered up with paint months before.

I was sure.
It had to have happened.
I lived with Jenny now.

I ran over to my bedside table and checked my phone. It was 12:30, which wasn't odd for me on a weekend, but I had no notifications telling me why I was back here.
I opened my phone quickly with my thumb print and went to contacts.
Wills and Camilla's we're gone, and Jenny's was the only one there.

Frustrated and confused, I threw my phone on my bed and grabbed a random hoody from the floor.

I hated being back here. I wanted Jenny. And Will. And Camilla and Carmen. Not this hell hole.

After a few more looks around the dull room in utter shock I got fed up and threw open my thin, crappy door and ran down the hall.

"Jessie!" I yelled, getting slightly panicked. I slid to a stop in the kitchen where she was standing looking at me in question.
I walked right up to her so we were standing less than half a meter apart. She squinted her eyes.

"What am I doing here?" I asked her forcefully. She glanced around like she was looking for one of the other sisters incase I was having an "episode".

"Nico, honey, what do you mean?" She asked slowly. My panic grew and turned to anger.

"You know exactly what I mean! I moved out! With Jenny!" I threw my hands in the air to compete with my shouting. I heard doors open around the house. The other kids, listening in on this probably.
Jessie hesitated like she was trying to put pieces together.

"Jenny.. as in your therapist?" She clarified carefully.

"Psychologist," I snapped at her,
"And yes, I guess. Don't you remember? She adopted me!?"

Jessie sighed and muttered something I couldn't hear under her breath,
"Nico, you were never adopted, I'm sorry."

I looked around and shoved my fingers into my messy hair. I pulled at it as tears sprung to my eyes. My head whipped back around to stare at her.

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