-How to make a friend-

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November 2nd, 2017

"Camilla, leave me alone," I groaned for the fiftieth time today. She was really intent on being my friend, and I really was not.

"No, but Nico come on. If we're going to be friends you have to tell me what it's like to have schizophrenia!"

"You are not my friend," I stated, staring at the paper in front of me but thinking of two nights ago. After I fell asleep, I felt a lot better, and didn't have any nightmares. Will stayed with me like he promised, and for a long time. For once, I got a regular nights sleep, without waking up every other hour.
He must've fallen asleep too, because when he woke so did I, as he was yawning. I watched him through squinted eyes, still half asleep, as he checked his phone and cursed at the time. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and stretched. Then he bent over and looked at his lap where I had fallen into in my sleep. Will froze, staring. It was to dark to see much, so even though I had my eyes open a tiny bit, he couldn't tell. He reached down slowly and touched my hair, and smiled like he had completed something on his bucket list. He leaned over, and his blonde curls tickled my cheek.

"Hey Nico, neeks? You gotta wake up bud, it's really late," he murmured in my ear. I stirred and sat up slowly and stretched as he did. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand like a child and looked at him from a sitting position rather than from below. His hair was messed more than before and his eyes were droopy.
I probably looked the same.

"Hm?" I mumbled unintelligibly, my brain still not able to process words. I was probably still drunk at the time. He ended up lifting me out of the car and held me up once we got outside.
I had to give him my keys so we could get in and I told him where to go to get to my room. I kept stumbling and tripping and he kept shushing me so no one would wake up and see me semi-drunk and semi-asleep.
He got me into the room with only a few mishaps, and got me into my bed. He tucked me in like my mom used to, and left me with a good night.

I fell asleep for two more hours and woke up at 6:00, with a horrible headache, and the want to sleep for another 5 hours.

Camilla was no where near as good a friend as Will. I had very high standards now.

"Why can't we be friends! I'm you extravert friend that will take you to parties and make you do things you don't want to do!" She whined. She was hanging off my arm as I tried to leave the library and get to my locker. She thankfully had to go to something, but she had 10 minutes before she had to leave, and had time to follow me around. Unfortunately.
She was like a feral cat, one of the ones that would trail beside you for 3 blocks before wandering off to find something more interesting. Except she never got bored of me.

"Camilla we are not friends and I will not tell you what being schizophrenic is like, now leave me alone!" I tried pry her arms off of me, but it didn't work.
I guess I was kind of glad she didn't tell me things I already knew about depression and anxiety and shit like the first day we met. The first day we met was the worst day by far.

"I know you hear voices and get hallucinations, but, like, on a spiritual level, what is it really like?" She made one of those meditation hand gestures and snickered at herself. She covered her smile and glanced over at me like she really cared, turning her smile into a pout. She didn't. Care that is. And even if she did care, she did a bad job of showing it.

"It's absolute shit, now get away from me and go bug someone else," I growled, massaging my temples in annoyance.


And of course. Bianca loves showing up at the prime moments of my day. I internally groaned, getting fed up with the shitty day I was having.
I tried the technique of pushing away and blocking the voices like Jenny taught me. I didn't want to deal with this.
We arrived at my dented locker that didn't open properly, where I shoved my textbooks and binder inside, and slammed it shut.

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