-How to settle in-

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March 22, 2018

You know what sucks?
After a week of being able to wear shorts 24/7 and not worry about anything at all, being thrown back In New York, where once a week there was still snow flurries, and a ton of responsibilities.
As you can guess, I was back in my attire of black skinny jeans, oversized sweaters, vans and my jacket.
It was almost April and it was still this cold, which is complete bullshit in my opinion.

I glanced in the mirror before I left for school, the 4 day since I've been back.
Will was right, I didn't burn in Mexico and I did tan a little bit. It was weird to see, I've had such a light complexion for many years. It was pretty much how it was when I came from Italy. It also makes me look more like Bianca.

School hasn't been absolutely horrible, surprisingly.
For some reason, Caleb has completely ignored me. Maybe he realized he went to far and he was going to stop, or maybe someone threatened to snitch on him.
Whatever the case, it has made my welcome back to reality slightly smoother.
The first day was funny, Camilla ran out of time to talk to me when we came back so she wouldn't leave me be, which is fine, and when Rudy saw me, he looked terrified, but Wesley made him come over to me.
He pulled me away from Camilla and began profusely apologizing for telling Will about my leg. I told him it was fine and not to make it a big thing.
They had both gone to lunch with me and Camilla on Tuesday.

Back to now, which was going to school.
I had a math test today which I was not prepared for in the slightest, but I was trying to keep calm.
Yesterday, Wednesday, I had a slight mishap with Bianca, but I stayed as calm as one can, and nothing other than that had really happened. That didn't mean anything but it's ok cause for now I was ok.

Once I got to school, Camilla magically appeared beside me like always. You would think I would be able to pick her out in a crowd super easily considering she's tall, gorgeous, and dresses... the way she dresses, but she's way better at finding me.
It makes me question my 'stay invisible' tactic.

"Hey B, hows it going? Any people that, y'know shouldn't be there?" She asked off the bat.
I think her brutal honesty had gotten easier to deal with because I'm used to it now. Also it kind of makes it easier because she'll know why I'm being quiet one day, or an asshole another. Also she doesn't really ask a lot of questions if she can tell I don't want to answer them.
She's good that way.

"I'm ok I think, I have that math test today though," I told her. She waved her hand, a few silver bangles on her wrist jingling.

"Pshhh it's fine, don't worry bout it, it'll be all good," she assured me. She was much taller than me today, wearing heeled black boots, along with skin tight leggings and a crop top, showing off her toned stomach.
My skin, even with its natural tan back, wasn't as dark as hers, but she was Latina, and I was Italian, so I guess that makes sense.

"Yea I know, it'll be fine," I grinned up at her. I needed to look up at everyone. I don't like being short.

"Yes you will be, now, Madison, the bitch, is trying to hang out with me all of a sudden and I don't love it," She unhooked from me so we could get by a big group of freshmen.

"Ew, why would she do that?" I asked. I was really good at knowing what to say around Camilla now, and how to react to her 'problems'.

"I don't know! So I told her to fu-" a teacher came out of the class we were passing so she cut off what she was gonna day,
"Screw off. She completely ignored it and asked me to go to lunch with her today!"

"That's weird." I dodged past a tall football guy run down the hall.

"Yea I know right! Obviously I said no," she looked at me.
"But what if, she like, is planning something with Caleb! That would be bad!"

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