-How to be official-

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February 27th, 2018

I didn't leave my room much on the weekend, and told Jenny I felt sick so she wasn't as concerned. She had a few questions about my face but I told her I got in a small fight, but we weren't caught and I wasn't hurt. We went to dinner Sunday night but I kept up the "I feel super sick" act up the entire time so when Monday rolled around I was able to pull off still feeling sick and stayed home. Camilla asked where I was but didn't mention anything. Nothing seemed to have been spread at that point.
I spent Monday like a sick day.
I slept in until 12:15, after not being able to sleep until 4:30am. Then I stayed in bed for another hour on my phone.
I was so comfortable in my Pjs that I rolled onto my stomach, forgetting my leg, and ended up on it. I cursed loudly and flipped back over.
Obviously, I needed to make sure I didn't just make it worse, so I went to the bathroom and unwrapped the bandages.
I winced looking at it again. It was already getting a bit better and was less raw, but it still hurt a shit ton of it was touched, which wasn't a fun thing.
I cleaned it with disinfectant and then wrapped it up again, tight enough to not be noticeable but not that it was cutting off blood flow.
The rest of the day I just lazed around the house, ate soup and a bag chocolate chips I found in the pantry.
When Jenny came home I was back in my room under the covers. She checked on be and I told her I was feeling slightly better. If they hadn't shown the video to anyone I should be ok.
I fell asleep at 12:15, not on purpose, but it was better than most nights.
5 hours and 45 minutes later my alarm woke me up and I started getting ready.

The start of school was ok. I got no more looks than normal, and everything seemed normal enough.
Camilla did yell at me for 'leaving her all alone' the other day but then forgave me and showed off her super slutty outfit; her black heeled boots, super tight black jeans with rips goings all the way down each legs, and a flowy maroon crop top. This was topped off with the biggest hooped earrings I've ever seen (the bigger the hoops the bigger the hoe-Camilla) and perfect makeup. Honestly I was proud of her being able to hold off for so long.

We got through first and second period fine. Then, in third period Camilla left for a doctors appointment, so I would be alone for most of lunch except maybe the last ten minutes.
As I was walking through the halls with my head down to my third period class, Madison bumped into me, but made it seem like it was my fault. She fake stumbled so that fucking Caleb would see. I glanced back to say sorry (not seeing it was her) and saw him glare at me.
So obviously I decided that lunch in would be a bad idea so after an extremely loud criminology class, I snuck out early and went to the McDonald's that was as far away as possible.
It was all good at first while I ate my fries until a fight broke out at the front and I left.
I had only spent up 35 minutes of my 75. The walk back to school was colder than I'd like, with the wind.
It was obvious that something happened when people I passed that were in my grade started whispering to each other.
I tried to stay positive. That was hard when you walk into your school and see multiple groups around you all staring at their phones and laughing. I knew I could hear Caleb's insufferable voice, but I kept walking.
1 minute in and someone I had never seen before threw a crumpled paper at me and yelled 'fag' extremely loud. All of his also unknown friends laughed. I blushed and bee-lined for the bathroom. On the way I was called a nice mix of 'freak' 'fag' 'psychopath' and 'slut'.
Even as I entered the bathroom there was a group of guys inside vaping, and immediately knew who I was. I left quickly.
I turned up my volume as I walked through the halls.
The groups of girls were less violent and vocal, but seemed to be thinking all of the same things.
Even Camilla's acquaintances who never seemed to call me a psychopath while I was around judged me up and down as I passed.

I went to my locker, and emptied if of anything I needed. Someone walked by and shoved me hard. I turned and glared at them, flipping them off. The people around me just laughed.
I huffed and shut my locker, locking it at the same time.
The verbal abuse continued. It seemed that both the grade tens and my grade all knew because it was definitely more people than I imagined could fit in one grade.
As I walked along, trying to find somewhere quiet, I came across an extremely crowded hallway. I considered turning around, but I figured that it wouldn't end if I gave them the satisfaction. That did not mean I would keep my head down and try to stay invisible, but it seemed that my super power to become invisible when I needed it most didn't work.
It was only yelling insults and curses, but I was surprised when an unknown hand grabbed my wrist tightly and yanked me hard. I was pulled into an empty classroom and instantly into a hug. I was scared at first but with my eyes open, I saw Wesley, with a slightly jealous but mostly concerned look staring at me, and who i was then 100 percent sure was Rudy. I relaxed, even though he didn't smell like coffee or vanilla.
Finally he let go and stepped back. He looked even more worried than Wesley, and scared- probably not for himself.
He opened his mouth, closed it, opened it, and then figured out what he wanted to say,

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