-How to Christmas-

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December 25th, 2017

I've never had a proper Christmas. Well, I have, but I don't really remember it. It was when Bianca and my mama were still alive, but we never had enough money for 'santa' so we never had the illusion that he was real. It's probably for the best, considering if anyone told me something was real, I fully believed it. And then that led to seeing it. I had a lot of make believe friends.
But now I lived with Jenny, who took Christmas very seriously, and wanted to give me the best Christmas ever.
Ive also never known what it was like to have an extended family, since my moms side was all dead and my dad hasn't talked to any of his siblings since before I was born. They got in some huge fight, and haven't even heard of each other since. I could have a million cousins and other family and not know about it.
Jenny and Carmen on the other hand, have a shit ton of family, and a lot of them were coming over tonight. It was an understatement to say I was stressed.
It was 8:00 on Christmas Day. Jenny woke me up at 7:30, telling me that it was a tradition in the house hold to have a big breakfast, open one present each, and watch a Christmas movie. Then Will was coming over at 10:00 to help decorate because literally nothing was up except the Christmas tree, and Jenny said everything must be done by 3:30 when people started coming.
It would've been a perfect day, if I didn't wake up hearing the whispers of my deceased sister and long gone father in the back of my mind that would only get louder through out the day. So many good things had happened In Only a couple weeks time that I haven't had a really bad day. I mean I'm always going to have something, but nothing that gave me shivers and want to hide under the covers all day.
I sat on the couch waiting for breakfast counting all of the good things that have happened to me this week.
- Jenny telling me I'm moving in with her
- moving in with Jenny and Carmen
- shopping with Will
- Cafe with Will
- school ended
- no more annoying school people

As you can see there is a common pattern with the people that make me happy.
Although I'm glad school is out for two weeks, it's also mean that exams are coming.

"Nico!" Jenny yelled from the kitchen, who was over a frying pan of eggs. I turned to look over the side of the couch, where I had my legs pulled up to my chest.

"Yeah?" I brushed my newly cut hair out of my face. It was still long and messy, but I had a shower yesterday and it was fluffy and soft.

"I woke Carmen up but I think she fell back asleep. Could you go tell her that breakfast is ready, and to get her ass out of bed because the rest of us are awake," she asked, pointing the spatula at the ceiling. I smiled lightly and nodded even though she wasn't looking at me. Jenny was used to my silent replies.
I padded my way up the stairs and slid to a stop in front of Carmen and Jenny's door. I was wearing fluffy socks that were super warm.
I knocked on the door that was closed. I heard a groan.

"I'm opening the door, Carmen," I said to her. She groaned even louder as I opened it up.

"Go away," she grumbled, pulling the covers over her head. She was just like me, but I couldn't sleep last night.

"But Carmen, its Christmassss," I drawled and bounced on my toes. I was cold, and felt like the freezing weather outside was seeping into my bones.

"Christmas?" Mumbled Carmen, poking her eyes out of the covers.

"Yup, and presents and breakfast,"

"Ok I'll be right down," she said, so I swivelled and walked back down the stairs. I stepped into the kitchen and sat on a chair at the island. Jenny was setting out plates and finishing the eggs.

"We're eating breakfast in the tv room neeks. Could you go into the DVD cupboard and get 'The 
Nightmare Before Christmas'? That's what I'm in the mood for this morning," she said, serving the plates. I nodded and headed to the tv room where I opened the huge glass cabinet. I skimmed the hundreds of DVD cases until I found the right movie and put it in the DVD player. I gave Jenny a thumbs up and she brought the plates in, right as Carmen got down the stairs with the comforter wrapped around her. She plunked herself on the couch and jenny sat beside her, me beside Jenny. We ate our breakfast quietly as the movie played and then half an hour after we finished, Jenny decided it was time for the first present of the day.

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