-How to fly-

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March 11, 2018

Will arrived with a taxi at 5:40, not 5:45 like he said. Jenny was up with me, helping me bring my bags down and sitting with me while we waited. She knew I was kind of terrified.
I wasn't allowed to take my pills in my carry on apparently so I took two of the anxiety pills, one schizophrenia pill and one depression pill. It was a lot but I felt more assured. 
It was early and I was tired but I didn't care. I wouldn't let myself sleep just in case I wanted to sleep on the plane.
I didn't sleep a lot over night either, probably 4 or five hours.
When he knocked on our door, I almost had a heart attack after jumping ten feet into the air. I was was freaking out and we weren't even at the airport yet.
Jenny hugged me and then went to the door. She opened it and welcomed him in quietly out of the cold. They hugged and talked in hushed, morning voices. Will kept looking over Jenny's shoulder at me. My eyes flicked from my feet to him back  and forth rapidly.
Jenny moved over and gestured for him to see me.
Will had a warm smile on his mouth despite the cold, and came over and hugged me. His smile made me smile, even if it was a tight smile.

"Ready to go?" He asked me. It was quiet enough that I could hear birds outside.
I nodded. Will grabbed my suitcase and I shouldered my backpack. We all walked towards the door. Out the window I could see a yellow taxi idling at the curb, and a man standing beside the open trunk.

"Ok guys, promise to call me as soon as you land, and be safe, and make sure you always have your phone and wallets somewhere they can't be pick-pocketed and lock the door to your condo and have fun and wear sunscreen and don't get eaten by barracudas, they're attracted to shiny things like earrings," Jenny ranted quickly and smirked at Will. His eyes widened and his hand went to his ear. I laughed lightly.

"We'll be fine Jenny, I promise, and my moms making me call her too so both of you will have information on us to analyze and do whatever you would like with it," Will grinned, dropping his hand and fitting it with mine. I blushed and looked down.

"And Nico, planes are safe, I promise nothing will happen," jenny affirmed for the 80th time in the past 24 hours.

"Ok Jen," I whispered. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled and hugged me once more.

"I love you," she told me.

"I love you too, thank you," I stammered.

We walked outside and my first breath turned into a cloud in the air. It was dark out, but you could tell the sun was coming close to rising, the stars were fading.
We said very few words to the man who added my bag to the trunk. Then me and Will crawled into the back of the cab. It was warm.
I was to busy trying to calm myself down to talk on the ride. I held Wills hand and watched the tall building and streetlights and cars and people passing us. The stars were gone completely and then we were at the airport.
We still had an hour and a half to go through security and get something light to eat before we left. Somehow I was hungry, but I think it was more because of stress than actual hunger.

Will payed and thanked our taxi driver after he grabbed our bags out of the trunk.
Wills suitcase was huge, but he said that he packed extra towels and sunscreen and all the stuff you need for the beach since usually his mom did that.
So we each had our suitcases and backpacks as we entered the airport. It wasn't very busy yet. The lines were short but soon it would become loud and hard to get through.
First we put away our suitcases. That's when I started to breath heavier, because it hit me that we would be going in a plane, in the sky, very soon.
We were walking, following arrows to find security in our gate. Will noticed, because of course he noticed because he's amazing, and squeezed my hand and brought me closer to him. He smelled like coffee, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had two before he came to get me.
The lights were really bright compared to outside. As we walked we passed a crying baby and a women yelling at someone at a desk. Will pointed out people as we walked and gave them stories.

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