-How to throw a punch-

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April 30, 2018

Caleb will always be an asshole. There's nothing else to it. He was a horrible human, and always will be, no matter what. He wouldn't change.
Today at lunch I was going against Wills wishes, and smoking to my hearts content.
I was alone this time, and of course Caleb found me.
He had been avoiding me after Will showed ups few weeks ago, maybe afraid he would show up again. Tell on him. Maybe he thought I told him.
I guess I did.

He didn't like thinking that.
I was sitting at the patio of McDonalds, smoking, clutching my lighter which had become my new prized item. He stalked up to me, alone for once.
I watched him skeptically as he took the chair across from me and sat in it.

"So," he started, glaring.
I squinted at him, trying to figure out what his deal was. I had my black jacket along with my sunglasses on. I felt calm from the nicotine. I took another drag, and blew it out.

"So," I replied with an easy smile.
He glared at me.

"You think you're cool di Angelo?" He asked in a threatening manner. I shrugged nonchalantly. At the time, I had no cares. Will and I were good again. I was smoking again. Bianca was staying a good distance away from me.

"Nah not really. Why, do you think I'm cool?" I asked him. I almost winked, but then my brain reminded me who I was talking to.

"Fuck off," he barked, sitting back defensively,
"You look stupid out here, smoking."

"At least I'm not vaping like some people I know," I blew out another hit and looked at him with a smirk. He glowered at me.

"Ok cut the shit di Angelo, why are you hanging out with Will Solace, he was actually cool," his tiny brain was working hard. It was almost funny. He wasn't as high and mighty as I thought. He was just stupid.

"I don't know, maybe cause we're good friends? Why, are you jealous no one will pick you up in a snow storm?" I was liking this confrontation. Somehow I was doing well. I blame the nicotine.

"I'm not jealous!" He snapped,
"I was just wondering, even though he had a good reputation, there were some rumours about old Solace."

"And what's that Caleb?" I was starting to get annoyed. If he started talking shit about my boyfriend who very recently could have died, I was gonna loose it.

"I don't know, I didn't know him personally, but a lot of people thought he was a fag," I winced, which he saw and smirked,
"So I was just wondering, why would di Angelo be hanging out with a fag, even though they didn't talk befor-"

"Well he's not," I replied a little too quickly, getting ahead of myself. He saw my change of attitude and took it into play. He may have been dumb, but after years of torment, he knew me.

"Ohh, I think I see what's going on here," he smiled evilly. He looked insane.

"Will is straight dumb ass," I objected, getting defensive. I was sitting straighter in my seat.
"We're friends, now can you fuck off?"

"I don't know Nico, he comes and picks you up, you always seem to be texting someone in class, and if you aren't with your slut friend you are always on your phone," he glanced at my phone on the table. I snatched it off and shoved it and my lighter in my pocket quickly. I zipped it shut,
"Maybe I should see this phone of yours Nico, if there truly was nothing to hide."

He knew he already caught me. He could tell by how I tensed immediately, grabbed my phone. My body language changed instantly.

"I have nothing to hide but I'm not showing you my phone, you're a dick," I told him off, feigning confidence now. I had woken up normal today, why couldn't it last?

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