-How to move-

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December 11th, 2017

This was it, I was leaving my house of over 4 years, and I was not sad at all.
I just got back from school, where I had a moderately good day because of my excitement, and I was waiting for Will to come over and help me move out.
I threw my bag onto the bed and assessed what I did last night, which wasn't much. Jenny said that I was going to be in the spare room, where guests used to stay. Apparently, it already had a bed, desk, closet in the wall with sliding doors, and a big book case. It already sounded amazing, and Will said he would help me paint it if I wanted. He told me to gather up my money to shop, and Jenny wanted to give me cash as well. I told her no, but she refused my refusal, and in her words she said,
"I adopted you, which means I'm like your mom, and moms buy their kids stuff,"
She really took this adopting stuff too far.
I only had 5 boxes full, and they were only my books.
I got 4 more out of the pile and started to take my clothes out of my closet, folded them, and put them in the boxes.
I was almost finished with that when Will knocked on my door.

"It's me neeks," he said, muffled through the closed entry.
I smiled lightly, my good mood feeling amazing after so long with out one.

"Come in," I told him, and he entered with nothing but his phone in his front pocket.

"Nico you've done nothing! If you want to be in Jenny's by tonight we gotta pick up the pace!" He exclaimed, walking up beside me. He started to fold and pack clothes as well. We quickly fell into a routine after I told him he was folding wrong, we decided I would fold and he would pack.

"Why do you own so much black? I don't think I've ever seen so many shades in a wardrobe in my life!" Will exclaimed, holding my 8th black t shirt. I don't own a ton of clothes, so we finished quickly and started on other stuff.
We packed up my bed, my closet of random crap and my desk, and we were almost finished, when my phone started to ring. This was not something that happened often, and since I was with Will, one of the only people who call me, I was surprised. I grabbed it out of my bag, and saw Jenny's name on the front of my phone.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone. Will stopped packing and listened in.

"Hey neeks, we're heading over to pick you up, are you almost ready?" Jenny asked, obviously on speaker because I heard Carmen say 'hi Nico!' Just as clearly.

"Hey Carmen, and yup we're almost done," I rubbed my neck, smiling.

"Ok good, we'll be there In 15!" She hung up so I turned to Will, clapping my hands, as if that would speed us up.

"Ok we have 15 minutes, let's finish this up!" I exclaimed, pushing all of the boxes to the door so it was more organized. Most of them I could hardly hold, so I was depending on Will to carry them for me.

At the last second I realized we hadn't covered up the words.

"Will!" I exclaimed out of nowhere. I grabbed the small paint can of the same colour of my walls that I had pulled out from under my bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked, pushing the last box with the others. If he thought my room was bare before, it was really empty now. Except for the words written on the wall behind my bed.

"The words- we forgot to paint over them!" I opened the paint and dipped a brush in. He stood, unsure of what I was doing, but remembered and saw the sharpie, and jumped into action.

"It's ok we have time, just start painting," he said and we started to cover it up. We finished in two minutes, as it wasn't a huge space, and gave it five minutes to dry before doing a second coat. We finished, sweating profusely and out of breath from rushing. Then a car honked outside.
I looked out the window, that was opened by Will to let us cool down. It was snowing lightly again, as it was now December. The car, a shiny bronze SUV, was big enough to fit all four of us and my boxes. It didn't look like Jenny's car, which was a pale green punch buggy, so I assumed it was Carmen's.

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