-How to pack-

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March 10th, 2018

I hate planes.
I despise them.
The last time I've been on one was when I moved from Italy and even though nothing bad happened on the plane, but I was leaving my home, and my mama.
It also meant that anyone that knew us, and if they heard anything strange coming from our house they would have definitely checked it out.
New York was nothing compared to Italy.
Planes were bad.
I'm leaving in less than 24 hours. It's 1 pm on Saturday, and we leave at 8:15 Sunday morning.
I haven't packed a bit, I was too busy pacing and freaking out. I needed to get my mind off of it.
I called Will.
He answered, but with lots of noises in the background.

"Heyyyyy Nico!" Will exclaimed. He sounded drunk without sounding drunk at the same time. Just happy and definitely around other people.

"Will, what are you doing right now?" I asked, sitting on my bed and rubbing my forehead. My eyes were closed, not looking at the cursed suitcase.

"Just hanging out with some friends cause I'll be gone for a bit with you, why what's-"

"Is that your boyfriendddd?" Someone yelled from his end yelled. A bunch of people laughed, not in a mean way like people in my school would, but more like teenage girls.

"Guys shh- what's up Neeks?" Will laughed. The background noise was loud but then there was the sound of a door shutting and they were muffled.

"I need to leave my house, get my mind of the plane, but if you're busy it's fine I'll call Camilla,"

"No no no, my friends were JUST LEAVING," He shouted and there was laughing.
"Hey I have the perfect idea, I finished packing last night so we should go to a laser tag place! That's what I always did to get my mind off of things!"

"I want to go laser tagging!" Someone shouted, making me snicker.

"You suck at laser tag, now get out of my house!" Will yelled back at the unknown voice.

"Ok sure, when can you pick me up?" I asked, sitting on my covered bed.

"15 minutes tops, so be ready," he replied, leaving the room he had shit himself in. The voices got loud again.

"Will I want to speak to your boyfriend you said he's sooo amazing," someone yelled at him. There was a loud smack of some sort and then the thump of what I assumed was Wills phone hitting the ground.

"Guys why are you so god dang annoying," Will laughed and it sounded like he tried to get his phone but someone got it first.

"Hello This is Will Solace's phone, can I take a message," a voice lower than Wills and with a stronger New York accent said. I laughed and Will cursed, most likely pulling the phone back.

"Sorry Neeks-"


"Ok you know what? Everyone out, come on let's go, grab your keys and phones, OUT!"

"But I live here!" Cecil complained on the other end of the line.

"Not you you idiot but everyone else, go!"
There was cursing and laughing and lots of sounds of shuffling and people moving. I was blushing from the attention put on me and waited patiently until The door shut and Will seemed calmer.

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