-How to mess up-

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Trigger warnings; extensive drinking, swearing, vomiting
October 31st, 2018

Halloween has always been my favourite holiday.
It's a day where you can dress up as someone else, and take a break from being you for a few hours. I've always loved it because I don't particularly enjoy my life, and whenever I had the chance to be my favourite super hero or book character I would take it.
Nobody would question you because you're just like the other billions of children doing it on the same night. You can blend in, be apart of something and not be judged.
Also free chocolate.

Daren and Rose always refused to take the kids out on Halloween and since the the nuns knew I would, they always got me to.
Right now I was getting in a costume I got a few years ago for Halloween. He was my favourite character in Harry Potter.
My Sirius black costume wasn't much, because I already had the hair. All I did was get a Gryffindor robe and grey contacts and a pack of cigarettes. I'm supposedly Sirius black when he was in school still.

I put it all on and grabbed a small bag to get chocolate. I didn't like candy, only chocolate, so my bag didn't fill up like the littles.
I left my room at 6:00, ready to take the kids out for a few hours, come back and binge watch my favourite horror movies until 4 am.

I've never been invited to Halloween parties, probably because nobody likes me at my school. For some reason, this year was different.
Yesterday at school, while I was (against my will) working on my Geography project with Camilla she interrupted it to start talking about her party.

"Oh my god I'm so hyped for tomorrow, my parents are leaving tonight for 4 days for some work trip so I'm throwing a lit Halloween party!" She looked at me expectantly but I showed no reaction what so ever.
"Sooo, I know you like hate shit like that but I think you're too boring. You need to let loose! Have fun! Get the stick out of your ass," she hinted bumping my shoulder. I huffed in annoyance. I wasn't having an amazing day and hated dealing with all of her shit.

"No Camilla," I grumbled and kept writing. She humphed, thinking of something else she could convince me with.

"You could hook up with someone? We have guest rooommmmsss," she drawled nudging me shoulder again. I shoved her hand away.

"Not interested,"

"Good music? Good food? What else do you want!"

"Horror movies and my bed," I replied as I wrote something else on my lined paper. We were brainstorming for our project.

"Ughhhh Nicoooo... oh! I know what'll get you there," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I doubt that,"

"There'll be lots of alcohollllllll,  eh? Come don't be a pussy and come and get drunk with everyone else!"
I hesitated. I haven't had the chance to get alcohol recently. It didn't help that there's no alcohol permitted in the foster home, and my fake ID isn't amazing.

"No, I'm not going Camilla, now can we please work?"

Today I was in a bad mood. I felt sick, but not like a cold or the flu. I had a headache, I was pissed at everything and everyone, and I felt down right miserable. With Bianca popping in every once in a while, all I wanted to do was hide in my room and fall asleep as soon as I got home from school.
Obviously that was not the case, so I slept for two hours and got up and got ready for the day I'm usually happiest on. It's felt different the past couple years because I'm older and I don't feel like I can be anything anymore, I'm just Nico.

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