-How to quit-

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June 11, 2018

"Boys! Set the table please, dinners almost ready!" Naomi called from downstairs.
I was just finishing laughing at Will after he showed me his old room.
To be honest, I wasn't surprised to see it was painted blue, like the colour of the when the sun is setting. Pale and pretty.
The colour was actually nice, but it was fact that he had a poster of Brendon urie and Ryan Ross staring into each other's eyes on the outside of his closet door (from the pretty odd era- which Will recently told me about the Ryden theory that he fully believes). He also had stars on his ceiling that glow at night, and a collection of teddy bears In his closet.
I guess this was considered a normal room for people with normal childhoods, and a dull room with nothing to it like mine was out of the ordinary.
I laughed at him anyways and made fun of his collection of lightsabers in his closet. Laughing felt nice, as I found it really hard to be genuinely happy at the time.
I tried really hard not to think about the fact that he almost died in this room.

"Coming mum!" He yelled back out the door and shot me a glare.
He turned out the light as I left the room, and told me to shut the door.

The air smelt like homemade food and my stomach flipped when I thought about eating.
As soon as I began down the stairs, Bianca popped up next to me.
I jumped and almost slipped on the step, but I caught myself on the railing.
Will placed a reassuring hand on my back. I had told him that she was bugging me a lot today.

I kinda wanted to cry, kinda wanted to just go to sleep for a while.

I stepped lightly off the last stair and stopped to rub my eyes, in attempt to make her leave.
I opened them up and was extremely disappointed to see her still there, smirking at me with her hip jutted out and arms crossed.
I felt even more sick to my stomach, standing across from my dead sister.
I was so tired from lack of sleep, and I was kinda just over all of it.

I took a deep breath, counted to 5 and then followed Will into the kitchen where his mom was making what smelled like lasagna.
She was leaning on the the counter on her phone, and grinned at us when we walked in.

I assumed Will got a lot of his looks from his father. Will did look like his mom, but a lot of their features weren't the same.

He was way taller for one, as she was just a bit taller than me, and as he had his Barbie blond smooth curls, she had brown wavy hair with blonde highlights. She had brown eyes, but Wills looked the exact same, holding the same warmth, though blue. Their noses were similar but not quite the same, and he must've gotten the freckle gene from someone, because she only had one over her eyebrow, while wills cheeks and nose had a dusting of them.

He pecked his mom on the cheek and grabbed some plates from the cupboard, before getting cutlery. He handed me the plates which I put on the table sleepily, and he followed with the forks and knives.
When I finished I walked over and leaned on the counter, facing Naomi.
Will walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist,  his chin over my shoulder as he kissed my cheek.

"Are you ok love?" He whispered in my ear, tugging lightly on a strand of my hair.

"I don't feel very good," I replied honestly. He sighed and nodded understandingly. Naomi watched us with mild interest and had an understanding look in her eyes. I'm sure Will had explained at some point what was up with my brain.
Don't you love a good ol' chemical imbalance.

She turned and opened the oven slightly to look in at the food. I slumped against Will and sighed when he kissed the top of my head and held me up. I don't deserve him.

"Ok it looks like we're all ready here, you guys can sit down," Naomi said cheerily, pulling out the casserole dish from the oven.
Will kept an arm around my waist over to the table and sat next to me. He placed a hand on my thigh as we waited for the food. I struggled to stay present.

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