-How to forget important dates-

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January 28th, 2018

As someone who has a pretty full brain, you have to know that forgetting my birthday wasn't that strange. Especially when that day is the last day of the semester and there's a huge assembly, a party in probably each class, and people everywhere. ESPECIALLY when you wake up with your dead sister sitting at your desk at four am and random animals roaming the room. There was a panda of some sort, a python, and something that looked like a jaguar but smaller and less vicious looking. And a few brightly coloured birds circling above me.

Sometimes this happened, and when it does, there's no point in taking my medicine. It would do nothing and probably make it worse.
It was obvious that the stuff wasn't real, but it looked so alive. I sat up slowly and cautiously, and immediately every animal was staring at me. It was unnerving and kind of terrifying as I slipped out of my covers, and out of my room. I shut my eyes and exhaled loudly as I closed my door silently so I wouldn't wake Jenny and Carmen. When I opened them, Bianca was nose to nose with me, a smug smirk on her lips and her eyebrow raised. This was another thing that gave away the hallucination. Bianca could never raise one eyebrow. She always tried and I would try with her but she never could. She was jealous when I figured out how.

"Why hello Nico-"

"No, not now, not today, please go away," I whispered, moving away from her and tip toed down the hall.

"Wow Nico, your vocabulary is pretty great today, who knew you could rhyme like doctor Suess at 4:00 in the morning?" She snickered.
I put a finger to my lips to quiet her, forgetting that even though it was a hallucination, only I could hear her.

"Oh you want to me to be quiet huh? Is this quiet enough for you?" She started slamming her hands against the hallway walls and yelling incoherently. I lunged forwards and grabbed her wrists to make her stop.

"Please don't wake Jenny," I begged, knowing that she would make me take my meds and not go to school. It would be better that way probably, but she would quit her work and probably baby me until I was better. I may not be sane, but I wasn't sick, I didn't need to be wrapped in a blanket in my room all day.
Maybe that's what should've happened, but I didn't want it.
She smirked and shrugged, so I dropped her wrists and made my way into the bathroom and turned in the tap to cold. She stood behind me, glaring at me from the mirror.
"You're kind of a waste of space, aren't ya Neeks," She taunted, crossing her arms.
I kept my eyes locked with hers until I dropped my head and splashed icy water over my entire face. When I looked up and turned off the tap, she was gone. I sighed in relief and turned to dry my face, but she was right there.

"God!" I caught myself and whispered the last part, "damn it, Bianca why are you here?"

"Why are you asking me?" She giggled, the floppy hat on her head bouncing with her black hair.
I huffed and dried my face.
I walked back in my room, thankful to see that all the animals were gone except the panda, which decided to fall asleep on my bed. I steered clear of it and checked my phone, that told me it was 4:50.
Slowly, while ignoring Bianca's teasing and taunts, I got dressed and ready for the day. I was in my usual attire of an old black hoody, what used to be tight black skinny jeans but now were big on me, and my beat up vans, because my feet deserved to suffer today. Thankfully I showered last night so my hair was fluffy and light and didn't weigh me down as much. I didn't bother to pack my bag with it's usual binders and text books, just a couple pieces of paper, a pencil, my recent book, and my phone and earbuds. Then, without disturbing the panda once, I snuck out of my room. At this time, it was 5:37, still way to early for school. Time for a walk.
I began down the stairs (with Bianca muttering things in my ear; useless, ugly, failure) and saw icy water from the second step all the way down. I had no clue how it could've gotten there since the air was warm (at least I thought it was). I gripped the railing tightly and made my way down, testing each step carefully and placing both feet fully on it, getting my grip, and then moving on to the next step. On the last step, I slipped off the edge and landed on my ankle painfully.

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