-How to sleep-

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((Sad chapter ; not edited))
January 11th, 2017

No matter how much time you spend with someone, it will always end. No one can spend as much time as they'd like with their favourite person no matter how much they wish they could. Life always gets in the way, whether it's school or a job or something else.
It might not make sense, but when you have someone as close to you as I felt Will was to me, you'll understand.
It was the first week of school, the Thursday, first day of exams. I had 3 exams out of four classes and today was my English exam. I thought I was prepared after studying for so long, but it was painfully obvious today was a bad day when I woke up. I felt panicked and shaky as I got ready for school, knowing I could do nothing about how I felt and would have to get today over with, hopefully doing well on the glorified test.
Will had started back at university on Monday as I did, and was so caught up in his job and homework I haven't seen him since Sunday when we spent the last day of break studying at the café.
We texted, obviously, and always told each other about our separate days, but it was brief. I missed my best friend.
I was just clingy.
And probably really annoying.
I was clingy and annoying and Will was probably glad he has a break from me and my burdens and my obnoxious tendencies to have panic attacks and mental breakdowns.

It probably wasn't a good thing I was worrying about me and Wills friendship as I was finishing my exam.
Somehow, even though I was panicking eternally, and Bianca has already paid me two visits, I felt like I was doing well on the test.
I would think back to my studying days with Will when he would give complicated things stupid abbreviations and other methods to remember them.
There were a ton of multiple choice, which is helpful for some people, but horrible for me.
There was some type of poetry, and I had to identify it, but with four choices and Bianca in the back of my mind, my head was all jumbled and I couldn't think straight.
I put my hands over my eyes as they began to water under pressure and exhaustion.
I went through my memories as best I could, and came across Will, one foot on the table and the other on his chair, arm in the air and reciting really bad poetry,

"Will is pretty great,
He makes all of the girls swoon
And the boys as well"

And then he winked at me and sat back down satisfied.

I looked up from my hands, a ghost of a smile on my lips and I circled b) a haiku.

I sighed. I only had 25 minutes left and 6 more questions.
My head gave a painful throb and my stomach lurched making me feel dizzy. Black spots danced in my vision.

I didn't sleep much last night; I couldn't, I was too scared for today.
Will stayed up and kept me company over phone, until 1:00 when he decided he was too tired to stay up. I didn't blame him.
I need to leave the silent room, if only for a few minutes. I felt like I was going insane.
I stood up abruptly, and every student around me stared, along with the teacher, who's head shot up in question.

"Nico, sit down please," she said calmly once she saw it was me. Mrs. North was an okay teacher. She was in her 50s probably and was really unorganized all of the time- but she actually paid attention to me and didn't dismiss all of my problems like my geography teacher did.

"M-mrs. North can I g-go to th-t-the bathroom please?" I stuttered, picking at the side of my thumb nail. I looked down and saw it started to bleed.

"Nico," she sighed looking around at all of the other students who were staring at her, seeing what she would say. Technically, you weren't really allowed to go unless it was an emergency, but at the start of class the teachers confiscate everyone's electronics, no matter what it is, so it's not like I could take anything with me.
I glanced over the room, and was hooked on everyone's eyes that were judging me and the teacher. I saw Camilla giving the teacher a glare, practically daring her to say no. If she did I knew Camilla would have something to say about that.

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