-How to to have a perfect day ruined-

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((Biggg trigger warning a lot of shit happens in this chapter))

February 21st, 2018

Waking up feeling good (energetic, happy, able to do things with my life) was rare for me, so I liked to take advantage of it.
I hopped out of bed, showered, and tried to make myself look nice.
After 10 hours of sleep- something that hasn't happened in a long time- the bags under my eyes were significantly smaller and lighter. I looked less dead, and since I showered I was clean and my face was mostly clear. Everything was looking up for a good day.
I wore the best clothes I could find-my last pair of not ripped black jeans, a white shirt with The 1975s self titled on the front, a pair of black converse and black hoodie to bring with me.

All of a sudden the weather had improved, from -5 to 14 degrees in the course of a week. I wasn't complaining, other than the fact that the walk to school was wet and soaked my shoes.
I packed my bag and headed to school, meeting up with Camilla outside on the lawn. Camilla still had a few days to go of dressing normal, but today was definitely the strangest.
She was wearing a big baggy royal blue sweater, black skinny jeans with Birkenstocks and socks. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she didn't even have eyeliner on.

"Who the fuck are you and what have you done to Camilla?" I asked walking up to her. She grinned and gestured to me,

"I could say the same thing, you hardly look like yourself! Like, Nico 2.0!" She exclaimed pulling on a strand of my hair and examining my put-togetherness.

"I don't know, I woke up feeling good this morning so I did something with it," I shrugged. She hooked arms with me and we started up towards the school.

"Well I slept past my alarm so I only had 20 minutes to get ready, which is not a good thing for me because I usually need 30 minutes for makeup alone. Anyways I had my outfit planned but I couldn't find my snazzy boots so I dug these out of the abyss of my closet. I know I look like absolute shit," she explained to me. We entered the school that smelt like mud and wet cement.

"You do not look like shit, you look like every other girl in the school, you can blend in for once," I pointed out. She still looked better than most of the people combined though, with perfectly contoured skin, highlight, mascara and eyeshadow. I noticed she only had her first piercing in and not all three.

"Aw, thanks death breath, but you know I can't do school without my eyeliner," she took what looked like a fine tip marker out of a pocket in her bag,
"I'm always prepared."

"Ok you go do that then, it's not like I can join you," I bumped her hip over to the girls bathroom we were passing.

"Ok see you in ten," she kissed my cheek, and skipped off. I rubbed off the lip gloss in disgust and headed to my locker.
Madison- who had clearly not stopped dressing like a stripper- passed me in the hall, glaring at me with pure hatred. If looks could hurt you I was just sucker punched in the gut, because something about that glare was devious.
When she passed I turned to see if she would do anything but turned back around quick as an attempt to throw up.
It was only 14 degrees today but she was wearing the shortest shorts I had ever seen in my life and a cropped sweater so short that when Caleb came over and grabbed her ass, she lifted her arms around him and practically flashed the entire school with her light pink push up bra.

That thoroughly grossed me out until I got to my locker and got a text.
It quieted 'gloom boys' by the waterparks for a second in my earbuds so I pulled my cracked phone out of my jean pocket and saw a text from Will.

Will: I just had the longest most boring lecture in the ENTIRE world. Who the hecking heck schedules a lecture at 7:00 am???

I laughed and texted back,

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