-How to be watched-

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April 12, 2018

Will was worried about me. So was Jenny and Carmen. And Camilla.
I didn't like it one bit.
And it was Wills fault.
Well, not really, but he told Jenny everything that happened and showed the texts. I know he did, even if he didn't tell me.
But they were muttering together when she made him go that night.
I'm pretty sure he may have been talking to Camilla as well, because she started texting me a ton, asking how I was, and came over on Sunday.
Will was over as much as he could. Saturday after a lecture he came over and spent the day with me.
I was tired and I could feel myself getting a cold. Stuffy nose, sore throat, stomach ache-the whole bit. I couldn't eat without feeling severely nauseous. Throwing up wasn't fun. If I could avoid it I would.
Will was babying me in a way, but tried to make it seem like he wasn't. Jenny and Carmen, if they were home, would constantly check up on me.
When will wasn't there, Jenny didn't like me out of sight, she wanted my door left open.
Will and Camilla were over Sunday, she brought movies and junk food and mariokart which was fun, cause I didn't need to talk, just yell at them for beating me. I didn't eat that day either.
Monday morning I was hit full force with sick, throwing up as soon as my eyes opened.
Thankfully, I was ready, feeling horrible going to bed, and I had a bowl beside my bed.
After 20 minutes of emptying myself of any fluids inside of me, Jenny woke up and came to check on me, and found me sitting on the floor beside my bed. She wrapped me in a blanket, worried out of her mind, asking me if I had taken anything. I told her I was just sick. She cancelled her day after calling Will, who had a full day of work and school, and moved any really important clients to that night and the next night when Will could come and stay with me.
She made me stay on the couch, kept me stacked with watered down ginger ale, warm soup and water.

Yea, I felt babied. I wasn't a child anymore, technically I was an adult, and many 18 year old were living on their own and taking care of themselves. I couldn't do any of that.
I should've been able to move out of the foster home on my own and not run to Jenny for help. But I couldn't. How am I ever supposed to be alone.

I was tired of it.

I couldn't stay home on Tuesday, no mater how shitty I felt. I only had 2 months of school until I graduated. Graduating was a big word that I didn't want to think about.
Tuesday and Wednesday I went to school. Tuesday I went to Jenny's session.
Thursday Will picked me up from school unexpectedly and I almost exploded from the amount of emotions that went through me at the time.

I was exhausted, fatigued, enervated- every word to explain being so tired that you could pass out. Energy? Didn't know her.
I was a walking corpse.
The day was obviously, the slowest day of the year in my perspective. I had to go though, I could leave early because I had a math test and a quiz in criminology.
Camilla, after I told her on Tuesday to stop being careful around me and make fun of me as always, snapped back to her ways. That was one of the things I loved about her, if you asked her not to do something (and she liked you) she'd probably stop. I could tell she liked being bitchy better than pitying anyways. That's just how she was.

Art she wasn't in though- she broke her retainer behind her teeth- and had to go get it back in. I learned that Sunday that she had had braces for 2 and a half years and hated every second of it.
I had my earbuds and worked on my painting of Venice Italy, we had to do a city of choice. People who weren't original did what was always done- New York, Los Angeles, Vegas- all the places in the United States that were over run by people who didn't care for the environment.
I was going to do a town in Greece I loved when I went on that vacation with my mama and Bianca, but I decided Venice was a better fitting choice, as we visited it more than 5 times a year. My mama loved it there.
Simon & Garfunkel played in my ears, the calm chords of 'bridge over troubled water' soothing me.

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