-How to bond-

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November 7th, 2017

"Wait wait wait- you mean to tell me you liked all of these bands the whole time, and never told me?"

"I only named two!"

"Yes but if you like panic! at the disco and twenty one pilots, I'm going to immediately assume you also like my chemical romance, fall out boy and all of the other basic pop punk bands that exist!" Will was waving his arms around like a crazy person in the cafe, earning a few stares from the other people in the shop.
I laughed lightly and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. I've only got around 6 total hours of sleep in the past 3 nights and I was exhausted.

"Ok, ok I'm sorry for not telling you, and you're right, I do like all of them," my hair fell over my eyes so I pushed it away.

"So I'm hoping you have taste and also listen to Frank ocean, jon bellion, Roy Blair, the 1975, Lorde, kings of Leon, Brockhampton-"

"I'm pretty sure I don't know half of those," I smiled at his childish rant. He was very charismatic I learned, and it rubbed off on me at times. I hated it.

"Which ones?" He asked, leaning forwards on the table, almost smacking his half empty coffee over in excitement. The drink ripples and sloshes dangerously near the edges.

"Umm, Frank ocean, Roy Blair, Brockhampton-"

"What the heck! How can you not know them! Obviously someone doesn't listen to alternative hip hop music and sticks to early 2000's emo shit... Ok, you know what, you're coming over to my apartment soon and I'll show you what you've been missing," he smiled in decision and sat back in his seat, arms crossed. He was such a 5 year old.

"Fine, but I'm not buying any of it unless I absolutely love it," I stated firmly. He wants me to get excited but I'm not really. This is what Jenny would classify as "a side affect of depression" in her technical terms that I ignore.

"That's ok, just give it a try, I swear you'll love them, if you like all my other favourites as much as me. They just have this vibe that make you feel like you're... hm I've never thought how it really makes me feel..." his eyes were bright against the dull grey sky outside of the window and wide as he searched for the right way to describe his 'alternative hip hop',
"Got it!" He snapped his fingers excitedly, grinning, "It makes me feel like I'm on acid in California... not that I've done acid."

I snickered at his comparison, covering my mouth with my hand. I glanced around us, around the cafe. No one seemed to notice us.
I also found it weird no one was ever in our seat when we arrived, we seemed to have claimed it, and haven't used any other one ever since we started coming here.

"Fine, i'll listen, but you cant be disappointed if I don't like it," I told him, brushing away my hair once more. It seemed to have something against me today, and wouldn't stay out of my eyes.

"Yada yada, blah blah blah, you'll love it," he grinned at me, with his never ending smile, infuriating my slightly, and using his hand as if it were a puppet, opening and closing its mouth. Mocking me, with a teasing glint in his eyes.
"But we should leave before dark and we have so many other topics to cover, so next, I'm guessing- and hoping, you've read Harry Potter-"

"Of course I have," I swiped at the air as if the question didn't even need to be asked. It was a stupid question.

"Oh good, I thought I was going to have to de-friend you, so you're not that far gone," he chuckled at himself,
"So here's the real big question, what house were you placed in in Pottermore? I'm a Hufflepuff."

"Of course you are," I snorted,
"I thought I was a Slytherin... I usually got that on the shitty tests, but then Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor so.." I trailed off, shrugging. I took a sip of my hot chocolate, and licked my lips to get off any whip cream that may have found a place there. A small ray of sun was peaking through the wall of grey that lasted all day. It warmed my skin and made a small smile surface from my resting face, but disappeared when Will broke the tranquility. He was recovering from a frown when I stereotyped his house,

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