-How to fight back-

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October 11th, 2017

I was fed up with getting beaten up by Caleb every other day. Why me? What made him so angry? Why does he take it out on other people?

These thoughts raced through my mind as I curled up into a ball to protect my ribs, and wrapped my arms over my head. We were in the hallway, halfway through class. How they found me, I don't know, but I wished I was able to teleport, or zap myself out of there. Sadly I was not special and had to endure pain like everyone else.
But then I thought of something, almost it was just as crazy as my intrusive thoughts, because if I tried, I could get killed.
I guess that's what adrenaline does.
Technically, I'd get killed either way, and, for once, Hades wasn't around to call me a pussy or a piece of shit.
I opened my eyes slightly to see Caleb and four of his asshat douchebag friends clutching their stomach in laughter above me. I loathed them with every cell in my body. I wanted to fight back, and for once in my life, I felt like I could.
I waited until Caleb was bent over, wheezing with laughter, when I jumped up, grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach. The friends recovered from their laughing fit almost immediately and glared at me. Caleb was clutching his stomach, the wind knocked out of him. I froze in shock.

"You little-" he growled, but as if I was possessed, I punched him across the face. He fell. I didn't know I could do that.
Then the guys started circling me. The first guy charged, because obviously they're too stupid to realize if they fought together, they would over power me. I kicked him and pushed him as hard as I could into his red haired friend behind him, sending them both to the floor. Only two left.
I was about to make a run for it when I was grabbed from behind and pulled back. I was in a headlock,  got punched twice in the eye and once in the nose. It cracked. My eyes watered.

I didn't want to give up like I always do. I twisted out of his grip, not knowing what I was doing while I was doing in and forced him to the ground instead of the other way around. I felt like I was in a dream. It felt like a delusion, but it wasn't. Probably dissociation, but I decided to ignore that.
I was winning, even if I had a black eye and maybe broken nose, that hurt so bad I wanted to stop. The blood dripped onto Caleb's shirt when I jumped on him. I punched him multiple times, bruising my knuckles more and more with every punch.
I was so lost in my own head that when I heard a shriek, it sounded like it was on the other side of a football field. A different universe was melding with my own. I didn't even think to stop.
And I didn't want to stop, but soon the sound of tapping heels came our way and a pair of the friends hands yanked me off Caleb and kicked me mercilessly, even with the supply teacher two feet away. She was blubbering and hovering over Caleb. I couldn't hear what she was saying. The adrenaline was draining, as well as my blood, and my face and ribs burned.
The asshats left me and joined the teacher that was babying Caleb, helping him to his feet. Then the teacher turned on me. Shit.

"What is wrong with you!" She shrieked, not realizing that he had started the whole thing,
"Attacking my poor boy like that? You should be expelled!"
Of course it was Caleb's grandma, who still supplied here still just to see him more. Double fuck.
She stomped over in her one inch heels, flowered dress and cardigan. She towered above me. My head hurt again.
Considering I was supposed to be being careful after I hurt it the week before, I wasn't doing a very good job.
I tried to focus on Caleb's grandma. Her hair was in such a tight bun, it was pulling her eyes up. She squinted when she yelled down on me.

"Well? No reply? Get up boy, I'm taking you to the office. Caleb dear, get your darling friends to get you to the nurse safely," she said softly to the boy who was smirking at me evilly, wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
When I didn't move, because I had no energy left and because I was afraid if I moved I'd pass out, she grabbed the front of my sweatshirt and hauled me to my feet with surprising strength. She was smaller than me, albeit I was pretty thin, so I didn't weigh a lot.
I could hear Caleb snickering behind me when his grandma held me by the ear and dragged me down the hall. She didn't care my nose was dripping blood onto the floor with every step we took. I can just imagine the rumours that would pour out of the mouths of students when they see it, and what Caleb will tell them about me.

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