-How to return to normal-

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March 16th, 2018

Will turned the music down so we could listen to the waves.
It was our last night in Mexico, we were leaving at 4:00 on Saturday.
We were spending our receding hours accordingly, lying on a blanket we rented from the front desk, in the pitch black. The stars were out again, and the moon was rising. For reasons I do not understand, it was red. I couldn't complain.
We had enjoyed a picnic, with take out from tacos.com (incredible) and a bottle of whiskey that we kept passing between each other. We were delightfully tipsy.
I put down the bottle and laid back down beside Will, taking his hand.

"Nico?" Will said, staring at the network of stars above us.

"Yeah?" I giggled. I don't know why I giggled. 

"We should... yeah, we should go on a walk," he struggled to say. Then he barked out a laugh and let go of my hand. He rolled over to look at me.
I turned my head and he pulled me into a sweet kiss.
Despite the fact that we've been dating for a month now, I could still hear my fathers words. Jenny said that the trauma that came from living with him caused internal homophobia in me. It hurt to feel unsure of Will. There shouldn't be anything to be unsure of.
I pulled away,

"I think we should do that too," I whispered. I hopped up, nearly falling over, and bent down to grab the bottle. I tipped it back and swallowed it  easily. Nothing burned anymore.
Will, still trying to prop himself up, made a grabbing gesture to pass him the bottle. I did, and he took a large gulp. I laughed and took his hand and helped him up.
We bundled the blanket with stuff and put it in the bushes out front of our condo, because that seemed like a good idea.

Then, without shoes, we started walking towards town from the beach, following the lights.
We had our hands locked but we kept letting go by accident when we would lose our balance on the uneven sand. We lost track of time, passed the entrance to the town square, and had to back track.
We walked up the steps and viewed lights, stalls, music, and children running around with bubbles. There was another small festival going on.

"We should- let's go see it," Will said. I laughed and stumbled up the steps with him.

"Will, we have no shoes!" I giggled as we started to pass people, whom all noticed our bare feet.

"Oh yeah.. well we can go back I guess!" He turned around and started walking back the way we came.  I  followed him, because I'd follow him anywhere.
Halfway down the steps, he lost his footing and tipped sideways, bumping into into a girl- the same girl we saw with her dad on the snorkelling trip.

"Ohmygosh, I am so so sorry!" Will apologized, gesticulating wildly. She stared evenly into his eyes and could tell that he was drunk. Then she started to laugh.

"It's ok dude, just don't die or anything." She glanced down and grinned wildly, "and maybe find some shoes while you're at it."
He nodded 8 or 9 times and then shuffled down the rest of the stairs- I had to run to catch up with him. I glanced back and waved at the girl we kept running into.

"I'll take him home, sorry for the in-incon- inconvenience," I struggled to pronounce. She laughed and walked away.
I tugged Will with me down the beach, holding his arm.

"I don't want to leave, Neeks," Will whined, draping his arms on me dramatically.

"I don't want to either."

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