-How to be pissed off-

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October 4th, 2017

I was running down an unfamiliar road. I didn't know how I got there, all I knew was that I had to get away. There were too many people, too many voices.
I had my hands over my ears, trying to block out the curses and shouting of a typical New York crowd, and the significantly louder voices of Bianca and Hades.
Anywhere I ran, they would pop up, telling me horrible things. Things I already knew.
I couldn't get away from the people, there seemed to be an infinite amount, getting in my way as I ran and tripping me.
I stumbled and lost grip on my ears, making everything louder. The unbearable noise that already clouded my hearing. My brain was having a sensory overload.
I regained my balance and started running again, my backpack bouncing on my back, weighing me down. I ran until my chest was burning and I could hardly get a breath out. As if the gods had heard me dying, an empty alley appeared to my left.
I dove in it and the noise diminished, leaving only the sound of my panting breaths. I collapsed to my knees, trying to get my breathing back in order and make the terrible stitch in my side go away.

"Nico, Nico, Nico," my dead sister crooned horribly in my ear, making me shiver all over.
"How useless can a person be? You have no purpose in this world, so why are you still in it?"

"Go away, you're lying!" I yelled back, crawling on my hands and knees to the back corner of the alley, as if it could shield me from the voices.

"You know, your sister has always been very smart, unlike you. You've never been very good at anything Nico," my father replied thoughtfully, on the other side of me, stroking his chin. They were horrible. I couldn't make them go away. If I had made it to her place I may have been ok, but I got lost running from everything.

"Please," I whispered pathetically, but to no avail, they kept chomping on.

"You don't deserve to live in this world. You're disgusting, too skinny, gross, and have never done anything for anyone but your self, you're practically wasting away. No wonder no one likes you," she spat venomously. She walked in front of me, crouching down.

"Fuck," I wrapped my arms around my head.
"Why can't you leave me alone? I'm you're fucking brother," I said, my eye lids dropping and tears staining my cheeks.
She spat at my vans, and towered over me, her next words booming.

"You are no brother to me."


I woke with a start, hyperventilating, and drenched in sweat. My legs were so tangled in my sheets I could hardly move, and my hair and pillow was wet. I laid there for a couple minutes to catch my breath, before sitting up and slowly untangling my legs.
I soon gave up and flopped back into my back and grabbed my phone from my floor where it was charging. It read 6:16 am. I kicked my covers off and rolled myself out of bed, and hit my hands to my cold, hard wood floor with a loud thud.
I rubbed my eyes and sniffed. I seemed to be crying, considering my cold had disappeared the day after the laughing fit with Will.
I was still dripping with sweat, so I grabbed my towel, toiletries and clothes, and walked to my door. When I opened it, several kids fell, including Marcus, who landed by my feet.
They scrambled up and backed up to Daren, the tallest and oldest of them all. Technically I was the oldest in the foster home, but they didn't act like it. Daren was their leader.

"Why?" I questioned, really done with all of they're shit. Marcus spoke, after composing himself.

"You were yelling in your sleep," he stated firmly, with a straight face. His straight face disappeared when one of the other kids started snickering, because he was trying to cover up his smile.

"Well that's just great." I said sarcastically, closing my door and shoving past them to the bathroom.
They immediately started whispering amongst themselves.

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