-How to run-

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April 25, 2018

It was a normal Wednesday- or as normal as it could be without Will around. It's been over a week now, almost two, and I've come close to texting him almost a million times.

Anyways, I had just come home from school. It was nice today, almost 7 degrees, finally it was looking like the snow and winter would stop.
Camilla had to get picked up early so we didn't walk home.
Turns out she didn't need to get picked up early, because she just went shopping. She called me when I was halfway home. We were talking for a bit, her going into stores and asking me if the price for a mini skirt being 75 dollars was too much. I told her yes, that was WAY to much for a tiny piece of clothing.
She told me she had to go when her mother was taking her to get food.
I was in the kitchen, looking for something small to eat, because I hadn't eaten anything today, but I wasn't hungry.
At lunch Camilla and I went out and smoked together. Yes, she was supposed to watch me, but Camilla wasn't a good influence. And thank god for that.
She had a pack of her own, so we walked around for the whole 75 minute lunch, smoking and laughing at dumb things we said.
She told me about the time she got high at a party and took some girl home with her that she had never seen in her life, and then her parents walked I on them hooking up.
That was her coming out story, which I find absolutely amazing.
Afterwards we took turns, her spraying me with my cologne, and me spraying her with her expensive perfume.

I grabbed an apple and walked over to the tv room and jumped onto the couch beside my bag. Yesterday was really bad, and I stayed home, so I had homework to do, though it would probably take about 5 minutes. Math was a bitch.
I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, looking for something in the background. I had been trying to listen to music last period, but it was one of those days where nothing satisfied your ears.
Strangely enough, the news channel was on. Jenny and Carmen didn't usually watch the news because they said it was too sad.
I went on guide to switch it while emptying my bag of homework. My jacket was thrown on the floor in front of me, which was bugging me.
I turned back to the tv, stopping myself from doing 8 things at once. Then a news lady's voice caught my attention,

"Breaking news- Local university has to do an emergency lock down due to a shooting In one of the bigger buildings," she started. My stomach dropped, my heart jumped into my throat. I immediately clicked back onto the channel and watched intensely, holding my breath without realizing.
I watched as the lady walked to a green screen that showed just what I was expecting, Wills university.

"With 5 found dead and 18 injured, the shooter has been captured and is contained. The building is being emptied now, the injured are being taken to the hospital-"
I stopped listening and jumped up as soon as the building in question came into the screen, a live camera showing Wills building, the one where he did have classes today, with tons of police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks. The crowd was unbelievable.
I wasn't thinking. I dropped my apple, scooped up my jacket and my phone and shoved on my shoes. I locked the door and jumped off the steps of the porch and started running, without a care that I had left the tv on, an apple on the floor and the shit everywhere. Will was in that building today, I was sure of it.
My jacket was shrugged on carelessly, and I pulled out my phone, still running, my heart pumping with terrified adrenaline. 5 dead. 18 injured.
I opened my phone on the third time and opened Wills contact. Without hesitation I called him.
It rang and rang and rang. It went to voicemail.

"Shit! Fuck!" I exclaimed, and called him again. Voicemail again. I cursed some more, turning into the main road, and saw immediately that it was clogged with traffic. A taxi wouldn't get me there fast enough. Running would have to do.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran faster. Whether it was adrenaline or fear, I ran faster than I knew I could and arrived at Jenny's in no time at all. Thankfully her office was on the way.
I threw open the door and hopped up the Stairs 2 at a time until I reached the top.
I forgot that she had clients. I threw open the door. Only then did I realize the tears on my cheeks and sweat forming on my forehead. I wasn't sad though, so I wiped them furiously. I was scared.
Fortunately Jenny seemed to be on a break. She turned to me and saw the worry etched on my features, but she must've heard the news already because her face reflected mine.
She rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug. I was trying to get my breath back.

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