-How to rest-

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March 31, 2018

I was at Will's all of Saturday.
It turned out that I forgot to text Jenny, and she was insanely worried about me. I felt bad, but as soon as I saw her frantic texts about me missing school and not coming home, Will called her and explained, and she gave in because I was safe. Will then lectured me for not texting her like he said to, and shot me a how on earth did you forget, now she's yelling at me look while he was on the phone.
Other than that it was a pretty calm night, and so was Saturday. Will was working for a couple hours so after he made me eat breakfast, drink tea again and take some vitamin d supplements, we went out. While he looked great in a v-neck grey shirt and black jeans with clean hair and nice shoes, I had ripped jeans, ripped up shoes, his over sized sweater, and greasy hair. Compared to him I probably looked like the embodiment of death.

We walked to his work, telling me about how he was still saving (I just learned he was saving) for a car. It was cold, but not fingers-turn-blue cold, thankfully.
He held my hand and our arms swung between us. Randomly he would lift my hand and kiss the top of it, making my cheeks brighter red in the cold and a light laugh escape my lips.
At work he greeted his co workers. There weren't many people in this time, only two in the back corner, in a booth together.
A cute Asian guy who's name tag read Kevin laughed at Will who tripped over a chair leg and threw a black apron at him.
I was standing awkwardly behind him while this happened.

Then Will turned around and introduced me to Kevin, a girl with long, bright neon blue hair in a messy bun named Melissa- no wait "don't you dare call me Melissa, my name is Mel"- and apparently Carly was in the back cause we were 5 minutes late and she wanted to leave. Will said she was bitchy.

Will made me what was apparently the best hot chocolate of all time (because he made it) while Mel and Kevin worked the drive through which was also mostly empty.
When he passed it to me I almost died from laughter.
It was a venti, for one, so it was huge, and it had perfectly swirled whip cream, and a ton of it, piled perfectly, with chocolate sauce, powder and sprinkles on top of that. I didn't even know Starbucks had all of that.

"Jesus Christ Will how much does this cost?!" I laughed. He shrugged and put five dollars in the register. Mel punched his shoulder with a smile on her face.
I sat at a table closest to the counter and joined in on there friendly banter in between orders.

I still didn't want to go home at this point, so three hours later I was walking home with Will, who was onto his third coffee of the day. He would take sips and sigh in content, making me laugh. Then he would try to convince me coffee was amazing and peer pressure me into drinking it. I always slapped his arm or ducked away- dare I say giggling.

Then I stayed at his place at night again, making sure to tell Jenny I was, and not in the same bed, and not do anything.
Two of the three things were truths. I was at his house but did she expect me to sleep on the couch?
Well maybe she did expect that but I didn't and I had a great sleep.

The next morning, Sunday, I woke up alone. I grabbed for my phone on Will's nightstand and checked my phone. It was 10:57, and I had a text from Jenny saying she wanted me home tonight because I had school tomorrow.
I stretched and laid on my back for a bit, staring at the ceiling. Then I got curious because I couldn't hear any noises throughout the apartment.
I hopped out of bed, wearing a pair of Wills pj pants and a huge t-shirt. I had a vague memory of Will asking me to eat more because I wasn't healthy, last night at 1 am.
I made my way to the living room. No one. Kitchen was empty as well.
I went into the kitchen and immediately saw a box of lucky charms and a bowl. I walked up to it, and saw inside the bowl was a sticky note.

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