-How to be still-

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June 4, 2018

The bell rang, signalling lunch. Everyone in my class stood up happily chatting, while I kept my head down, shoving my notebook in my bag and making my way out of the door as fast as possible.
The hallways were full as always, and hard to push through. It was best to walk slow and wait for people to clear.
That was my usual route anyways, until Camilla appears to save me, clearing a path with her loud heels.
I was waiting for her to do so, staying well pressed into the lockers as people pushed by.

I could hear her bracelets before I saw her, a ton of gold bangles and beads piled on top of one another. And then she was in front of me.
I saw glad she wasn't as tall as Will, because in heels that would suck for me. She was probably only a couple inches taller if she was wearing regular shoes. Her heels make her about 5,10 though. A good 5 inches above me.

"What's up loser," she grinned slinging an arm around me. I was hit with the scent of expensive perfume. I was glad camilla had good taste (or smell?) or I would be coughing all of the time. Thankfully she smelled good.

"Nothing much fuck face," I grinned, looking up now. She gave me a bit more confidence in crowded halls.
Obviously her hair was perfectly smooth. Her makeup was flawless.

"Interesting... you hungry?" She asked, still looking ahead with a straight face.

"I could go for some McDonald's, how 'bout you?"

"Nico, you and I both know that I could never pass up a Big Mac," she finally grinned.

"I know their fries sound really divine right now,"

"Ugh and their McFlurries? Orgasmic." She stated making me burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ok we really have to go no-"

"Hey fag, where's your boyfriend?" One of the hockey douchebags yelled from his group across the hall. My cheeks burst into flame and Camilla's arm dropped from my shoulder. The hallway was clearer as we got closer to my locker and I could see exactly who said it- which meant so could Camilla.
She turned, probably to yell at them, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her with me.

"Hey! Nico let me yell at them!" Camilla smacked my hand as if that would make me let go of her. I didn't let go, though I did flinch slightly at the sudden contact. I pulled her down the next hall- my hall. I held tight until I stopped at my locker.

"We're not starting another thing Camilla, I can't afford it right now," I told her. She crossed her arms and glared at my locker as I opened it up.

"You don't deserve it," she complained, kicking the toe of her short, black, heeled boot into the locker beside mine.

"No one deserves it Camilla, but I'm done with being in between stuff like that, it's too much to deal with," I stated firmly. She sighed and watched me put my stuff in the bottom of my locker, and took her own binder out, shoving it in the top of my locker.

"Fine," she gave in, her lip still stuck out like a child. I nodded, glad we were done talking about it and looked back into my locker. My phone buzzed in my back pocket, but I didn't feel like seeing who it was, even though it was probably Will. Me and Camilla were spending quality time together.
I finally zipped up my bag and swung it over my shoulder.
Camilla was on her phone, of course.
So much for quality time.
I bumped her with my shoulder to indicate I was leaving.
She followed along, watching her phone with seemingly intense focus. There was a smug smile on her lips.

"So what are your other friends doing today?" I asked, not meaning to say 'other' with such venom. I pulled my piercing into my mouth. Camilla personally loved my piercing and thought it gave me character.
She also liked to poke it a lot because I hated it.

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