-How to be surprised-

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January 16th, 2018


That's how my weekend went. I didn't leave my room unless it was completely needed. Will texted me, but he was visiting his mom and having a small family get together with his cousins, so it wasn't often.
I had no exam on Monday, since 4 period is lunch and obviously there wasn't a test on eating. For some reason the school mixed up the exams so instead of going in order of the periods it was random.
I studied all day, wanting to text Camilla to say sorry. I didn't, though, because she hated me now, along with the rest of my grade.
Tuesday, was what I was anticipating all weekend.
Will was going to be at my session and we were going to the café. I missed him. A lot. We had become so close over the winter break and spent so much time together that a week away felt like a year.
Sadly, Tuesday was also my geography exam. Albeit, I did learn a lot in that class, I still hated it, and the teacher. I didn't trust him with my phone that he mandatorily needed to confiscate. For all I know he could go through my texts with Jenny and Will with the amount of time he's taken it from me.
I shuffled into class, with my black hoody pulled down as far as possible to shield myself from the blinding white lights on the ceiling. I kept my head exceptionally low when I passed Camilla's desk, but I could feel her eyes boring into me anyways.
My eyes had huge purple bags, that weighed me down even more than my 40 pound backpack.
People were mumbling quietly to each other; studying, gossiping, pointing as discreetly as possible to people around the room as they talked shit about them. Some of those people pointed at me, but I just kept my eyes down and flopped into my seat, throwing my bag to the floor. I took my phone out of my pocket and changed the song, turning it up loud for my last few minutes of calm. 
It didn't last. The teacher walked in the class with his computer bag and immediately went to my desk, ripping my earbuds from my ears, and putting a hand forwards, gesturing to me to give him my phone.
I glared at my desk, and reluctantly gave it to him.
Then he got everyone else's, and handed out the exam.

It was hard. I had felt ready last night, but I no longer felt that way. I don't think I failed, but it was not an A.
My eyes stung from lack of sleep and my hands burned from being so dried out.
I finished 10 minutes before the bell, and handed it in to my asshole of a teacher. I could feel Camilla watching me as I twiddled my fingers and scratched at my arms anxiously. Even if my words had had a little bit of meaning, I knew I was an asshole to her and needed to apologize. She was- as much as I hated to say it- my friend.
When the bell sounded, I snatched my phone off of my teachers desk as well as Camilla's, and walked over to her desk as fast as possible. She was still packing up her bag, and when she looked up a glare settled on her face.

"What do you want?" She asked menacingly. She looked at her phone in my hand, and back at me again.

"I-I'm so so sorry C-Camilla. I was h-having a re-really bad day and I couldn't control- I couldn't- anything really, and I'm super sorry I snapped and I know I was an absolute asshole and I'm sorry I just-"

"Nico shut up!" She said suddenly, standing up and taking her phone from my hand.

"I'm sorry," I whispered once more, looking into her eyes that were still angry, but had a shimmer of sympathy hidden inside.

"Good. You should be. Now I'm going out, so get out of my way," she snapped, and shoved by me and out the door. I felt myself sink a little bit, before joining the flow of student out of the doors and outside.
I slugged my way outside and down the sidewalk all the way home.
I was exhausted, but I couldn't wait to see Will.
Once I got home, I quickly showered, and changed into a sweatshirt and jeans that would hide my thin frame from not eating as much. No point in doing something that makes me feel sick.
I checked my phone to see it was at 73 percent, which was enough to get me through the rest of the day.
Pushing any thoughts of exams or Camilla to the back of my brain, I hurried out of the empty house and started towards Jenny's office.
As I listened to music through my earbuds, my alarm went off, telling me I had 5 minutes to get to Jenny's. I still had a 10 minute walk left.
I swore, and started to run.
I weaved through crowds of people and shoved and pushed when needed, and soon I was on the street if Jenny's. Not cold anymore, I slowed to a jog and looked down to unzip my jacket, only to crash into someone who was moving fast towards Jenny's entrance door like me.
I stumbled back and heard an audible 'ouch' after the sound of a thud on concrete. I looked down at the person and saw Will.
He looked up, and when our eyes locked a humongous grin spread across his lips.

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