-How to be free-

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May 2, 2018

Avoiding someone is hard.
They always pop up.
It's simple to stop talking to someone, but to not see someone, especially if you go to the same school, was almost impossible.
I was trying to avoid Caleb. After fighting back like I did, a weird burst of confidence I've never had, he would be beyond pissed. I didn't want to learn what he would do next time I saw him. I was terrified actually.
And since I was spending so much time worrying about seeing him, I was was spending less time thinking about more important things, like school, Will, my family, what I would tell Jenny at my next session.
My confidence surge was gone as soon as it started. I blame the nicotine.

School was horrible as well.
It wasn't spreading too fast, but now, a few days later, walking down the halls was impossible without being looked at.
I would never be invisible if it were up to Caleb.
And it is up to him, at this point.

Camilla was beyond pissed off. Apparently news started getting around at school the next day, and since she was in the loop she heard. She came up to me and hugged me before listing in Spanish every way she was going to kill Caleb. I'm glad I couldn't understand her.
Rudy and Wesley must've heard the next day, as they seemed to be near me at all times without actually speaking to me, like an unspoken agreement to watch me, just in case.
People didn't bully for being gay much in this school, excluding people like Caleb. There were a ton of out people, but even thought nothing was said to their face, it was talked about behind their back. No one knew I was gay, and they still talked about me. Now they had one more reason.

Eyes were constantly on me. I'm class, at lunch, in the halls. I felt like I was never alone.
It was all getting to me. It was horrible.

Will must've been able to tell I wasn't great, because I was unresponsive, this time on purpose. I didn't have the concentration for a conversation. I hated myself for it, because I knew I was just making it worse, Will is the person that makes me happy.

Our date was tonight, Friday, before the weekend. I was excited, I get to be away from school, Caleb, the eyes. He would be able to distract me.

He was picking me up, so of course my day crawled slowly along, seeming like it will never end.

"-ello? Nico? Death breath!" Camilla snapped in front of my eyes.

"Yea? Sorry I blanked out," I replied, as we turned down the hallway to my next class. Someone looked at me, and glanced away, whispering something to their friend. It would be along the lines of 'psychopath' or 'gay' or 'creepy'. I quickly looked away.

"Back to what I was saying, Caleb is pissed, but I'm still kind of surprised you fought back like you did in the first place, you're usually outnumbered," she commented, chewing her gum loudly, popping a bubble between her teeth. As she talked to me the mint from her breath stung my eyes.

"He was alone, he confronted me about Will, and now everyone knows," I summed up for the 20th time. I had already told her a bunch of times.
She rolled her eyes and leaned on the lockers next to my door, the bell wouldn't ring for a minute more. We both left early to 'go to the bathroom'. My back hit the weak metal beside her.

"Yeah, I guess..." she followed my gaze that was staring at the two girls looking at me. She snarled.
"Don't worry about them, they're not important."

"It's not just them, everyone knows Camilla. Everyone. The entire school practically knows everything about me, this sucks," I dropped my head, watching myself pull at my sleeves over my hands of my long sleeved black shirt. I felt so... exposed.

"I know Nico, I don't-"
The bell rang, cutting her off, and the door to my class swung open, letting loose a wave of freshmen. She pursed her lips, watching the flood go by, deciding if she would continue lecturing me or go to class. She chose the latter.

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