The [psychic] class is a «support» class, focused on «melee» attacks that used [pierce «artes»]. This class was all about «pushing», «pulling», «crowd control», and inflicting «status conditions» such as: «stun», «paralysis», and «banish».
Written the class role would look like:
«{Pierce, Support: Push, Pull, CC, SI}, {R-M, TE, Melee}, {CT: Med, CD: Low, DR: Low}, {WPC: Kni, Hdw}, {ARC: LA, MA}»
The unique feature of the class is the ability control weapons, "telepathically", using gestures that control the weapon wirelessly.
Using a gesture requires the user to extend the index, pinky, and thumb, while curling the middle and ring finger. Once used, the in-hand weapon would float near the user. Moving the forearm and/or bending the wrist controlled the motions of the weapon.
Moving the wrist up would cause the weapon to shoot forward and pulling the wrist in a downward motion similar to the "come here," motion would cause the weapon to return to the user.
The strength and responsiveness of these gestures depended on the player's level. Low levels hindered the ability to utilize that feature.

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)
Science FictionThe gaming format «R.E.M. D.I.V.E» Rapid Eye Movement, Digital interface with Virtual Environments, often called «Dream Gaming». The world's leading Game, Mystical Awakening Online or MAO. A limited, hidden special event. What could go wrong? The t...