[Ornate armor belonging to Finvarra High-Lord of Vyrava Woods. The Lord of Finvarath created the Arena of the Damned, and the Coliseum of the Lost to abate his fury, and frustrations. However, his rage never subsided, as he continued to rule, and judge. The arena and the coliseum still stand today, even though the lord met a tragic end. - Finvarra's Set]
[Great lance belonging to Finvarra; used to impale those who lost disgracefully in his tournaments. Years of anger, loneliness, frustrations and jealousy turned the Lord bitter. He secluded himself within his territory in a deep forest. Rumors of the bloodthirsty tyrant and his tournaments spread quickly throughout the kingdom. - Bloodstreaming Great Lance.]
[Ring belonging to Finvarra, the Lord of Finvarath. Increases maximum equipment burden, and defense. In the Lord's youth he was enamored by women whose beauty could not be measured in years. Upon meeting the lady fairy who would be queen, the Lord fell in love at first sight. His desires sprouted, as did his fetishes and mania. - Noble Ring of the Mother Forest]

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)
Science FictionThe gaming format «R.E.M. D.I.V.E» Rapid Eye Movement, Digital interface with Virtual Environments, often called «Dream Gaming». The world's leading Game, Mystical Awakening Online or MAO. A limited, hidden special event. What could go wrong? The t...