Chapter 260: The Hunters and the Hunted

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Arthorias continued to talk reviewing the plan, "each of you here will be either assigned to the to main attack group, the rear group. Within in each group you will have a target to takedown most likely these players will provide barriers to the success of this offensive.

Several players will assess the players individually whether they will serve their jail time or be released, your job is not to worry about such things and remove them from the equation.

During the confusion each of you will strike to take down your target. During this time the rear group will commence their attack to block the escape of the players, which will allow us to jail each player. After you have taken down your target, engage the remaining aggressors.

If there are no further questions this offensive will engage after sunset tomorrow. Thank you all for coming, and thank you all down your cooperation to bring this to a close.

We will reconvene tomorrow at 1800, to assign targets, and prepare."

After the meeting was over Leilianna and I were approached to to say we would be watched. Meaning we would be a target if we acted too suspicious.

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