After discussing what the rhyme meant we fairly easily came to the conclusion that we had to collect seven different drops from seven different monsters.
Some of the monsters were pretty easy to figure out; a [Kobold's fang], a [Goblin's Fang], a [Corrupted Kobold's Fang], a [Corrupted Goblin's Fang], a [Black Dog's Fang]. However, as for the last two fangs, we had no clue what monsters they belonged to.
Aside from that small dilemma we figured the clue mentioning the fairy mound was a dungeon to the west beyond the outpost, [Zythegaete].
We decided to collect the fangs from the [Black Dog], which was the only monster we were missing from, of those that we knew dropped fangs.
Afterwards we traveled to the outpost. There we were surprised to find protesters engaging in peaceful protests of Arthorias's and the other top players involvement in the lives of every player.
It looked to me that despite their opinions of Arthorias's involvement, he was making a change for the better.
Regardless of how I felt, or my opinion of him I could see how his involvement could be both detriment, and benefit to the players trapped here.

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)
Science FictionThe gaming format «R.E.M. D.I.V.E» Rapid Eye Movement, Digital interface with Virtual Environments, often called «Dream Gaming». The world's leading Game, Mystical Awakening Online or MAO. A limited, hidden special event. What could go wrong? The t...