Chapter 251: Preparations

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For the rest of the day and the next morning we hunted, then headed to the Agimund's shop to craft near gear.

I decided to craft the [Ferisher's Parry Shield, Noble of Ferisher's Signet Ring, and Eye of the Arnyvalkae]; a shield, a ring, and a Necklace.

We then upgraded our gear when we got back to Cyrus's shop. Along with the shield, Ring and Necklace I upgraded Yllzythe's Armor Set, and a sword I got as a drop, the [Night Kobold's Short Sword].

I used up quite a bit on money trying to get enough of [Binding Steel] to upgrade my gear, then used most of it trying to actually upgrade my gear.

Between Cyrus and Leilianna it didn't take long to finish upgrading our piece of gear.

The amount of time it took for a player to craft was set by the system based on gear rarity. Players could shorten the time to crafting or upgrade by using a hammer. This functioned like mini-game; a normal hammer strike reduced the time by one second, a well timed strike reduced the time by three seconds, and a perfect strike increased the chance of crafting higher quality gear.

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