Xuelian's «HP» had dropped to fifty percent; due to the rules of the match a player whose «HP» was at fifty percent were rendered immovable, and indestructible, to prevent other players from taking advantage of the weakened player.
"You, Bastard!" I screamed "You went too far!" I charged at Sevosmai, sword in hand.
Each attack, each swing Sevosmai dodged, blocked or countered with seemingly little effort.
"Damn you!" I charged forward.
When my «Stamina» had ran out I was left in a defenseless state. Sevosmai followed up with a powerful kick to my chest, and quickly followed up firing a round from his gun in his other hand, hitting me in my side.
There was no way I could beat him in a fair one on one fight. My only option was to out smart him; force him to move the way I wanted.
This risky but I don't have much choice.
I charged in swinging with my sword. Each swing he dodged.
Horizontal swing, backward step.
Vertical swing, left or right step.
Right to left diagonal swing, right step.
Left to right diagonal swing, left step.
I can do this.
I swing putting all my weight into the attack.

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)
Science FictionThe gaming format «R.E.M. D.I.V.E» Rapid Eye Movement, Digital interface with Virtual Environments, often called «Dream Gaming». The world's leading Game, Mystical Awakening Online or MAO. A limited, hidden special event. What could go wrong? The t...