I looked up at beast before me, whose form was like a devil. The flames from his body, the arena that encapsulated us struck within me, the feeling of being in the jaws of hell. However I couldn't help but admire the scene before the moon high in the sky, the stars, and soft glow of [Pyreflies] in the air, all gave Soth a mystifying aura.
Picking myself off the the ground, I avoided the Soth's attack with his whip. He struck down twice and moved into a three sixty degree spin. I backstepped each attack.
Soth then came at me, swing with his sword in a three hit combo following up with a shield base that projected a short blast of pressure. I instinctively blocked taking a hit to my «Health».
Recovered from the attack and followed up with a quick slash, striking his left side. Immediately I span around followed through with another slash, then thrust my blade through his belly.
Soth roared, then swatted me away with his sword, sending me crashing to the ground.
I was now «Dazed», and «Stunned», with my «Health» in the red, unable to think straight cause of the pain.

Mystical Awakening Online: SotPM [Part 2] (CPN)
Ficção CientíficaThe gaming format «R.E.M. D.I.V.E» Rapid Eye Movement, Digital interface with Virtual Environments, often called «Dream Gaming». The world's leading Game, Mystical Awakening Online or MAO. A limited, hidden special event. What could go wrong? The t...