Chapter 344: Feelings of Envy

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I heard a loud sigh from around the corner, "I apologize about her," Xiyang was there leaned up against the wall. "She's the jealous type."

"Jealous of me, does she . . ." I said trailing off.

"Very much so. Don't let it bother you too much. Have a good one," Xiyang said before departing.

After Xiyang left, I headed back to town. At the gate was Xuelian, Cyrus, and Leilianna.

"Congratulations on third place Tsubasa, and Xuelian!" Cyrus, and Leilianna said at once. They both let off confetti poppers, covering us in confetti and streamers.

"Thanks," Xuelian replied.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied.

Cyrus and Leilianna took us to get a celebratory meal. After a night of partying and fun we said our goodbyes and went to sleep.

The next morning the news was spread that the team based tournament would start tomorrow. We bought tickets to see the tournament.

A week later the tournament ended, and to everyone's surprise it was not Arthorias' team that won first place but an unknown team registered as 'The Moxens'. Each player's name was a gem in reference to one the seven elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark, and Thunder.

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