Chapter 341: Cut your Losses

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"The winners are Ye-suel and Xiyang!" The announcer shouted out.

Above Xuelian and Ye-Suel was a message that read [Time Up]. Next to Xuelian's and Ye-suel's «Health» Bar was a percentage. Xuelian's read 51%, and Ye-suel's read 52%.

Xuelian then collapsed to ground clutching her body. The pain must have still been racking her body. I rushed over to her.

"Xuelian you okay?!" I held her in my arms.

Xuelian shook her, "no need the pain is going away."

I looked up at Xuelian's «Health» Bar which had quickly regenerated.

After a few moments I helped Xuelian to her feet after the pain had subsided. Xuelian was leaning on me for support. We started to walk off the stage, when Ye-suel called out to Xuelian.

Ye-suel breathed lightly before speaking, "Xuelian, that was a great match. I felt your passion. Next time we meet I really hope you'll win."

"Alright, thank you for the match," Xuelian replied to Ye-suel. Xuelian then turned to me, "Tsubasa let's go."

I walked Xuelian back to the waiting room. After a few minutes of silence Xuelian apologized to me.

"I'm so sorry Tsubasa, I messed up."

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