Chapter 374: Den of Beasts IV

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One of the [Black dogs] behind Xuelian reared up and lunged toward her.

"Xuelian behind you!"

I watched as the [Black dogs] jumped on Xuelian taking about one fifth of her «Health» I could see xuelian recoil in pain. She brought her arms up trying to guard herself from her attackers. One of the [Black Dogs] circled around rushed at her from behind, taking her «Health».

I myself was in no better position. Barely able to hold my ground, only able to use the force from my spells to stagger the enemies in front of me, though the damage they actually did wasn't much.

This was all my fault, I should have known better. Even though we were in an area the was appropriate for my level, we shouldn't have gone down here.

Out the corner of my eye I saw one Xuelian struggling to keep her attackers at bay. One more rushed around her side and reared up ready to lunge.

"Xuelian to your right!" I shouted knowing full well there was nothing she could do.

However to my surprise, an arrow came out of nowhere striking the [Black Dog] in its side sending to to the ground.

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