Chapter 310: Down, and Doubt

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"Tsubasa, you and my wife have quite a bit in common. Years ago when I met her she suffered from severe anxiety, and major depressive disorder; to top it off she had quite the inferiority complex. She still struggles with it today but she manages it quite well; I'm really proud of her," I could sense his feelings as Yuwanyx explained his wife's history.

As he continued to talk our swords clashed. Over-head strikes, underhand strikes, counters, parries, evades, backsteps, sidestep and side dodging. Even as he continued to talk the clash of our swords kept the crowd's excitement up.

"It took her a long time to become comfortable with who she is, and it took a much longer time to be able to accept that."

"So you're telling me that I'm like your wife," I said it in a tone that was disbelieving, however part of me thought he might be right.

"You both are much alike. You believe that your not good enough your, not capable, that you're weak, that you'll fail. You don't believe in yourself, that you can't believe in yourself. That line of thought has ingrained itself into your psyche.

It's not true."

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