Chapter 244: Guy Talk II

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I've never said it aloud but...I really hate myself. I breathed in and out preparing myself mentally for what will follow.

"...No, no I haven't..."

I looked at Cyrus, I was sweating bullets. For some reason, I couldn't lie to Cyrus. For some reason I felt like telling him the truth, no matter how much I was dreading what was gonna come next.

Cyrus looked at me for a minute, his expression softened, looking like pity.

That face, that face right there, that was one of the expressions I hated the most. That condescending look. It makes me feel worthless inside, like I was less of man.

"Poor Xuelian..." he said shaking his head.


That's not the reaction I was expecting.


"Tsubasa, to me, I don't care what your circumstances are but even you aren't that daft right? Even you can see it clear as day on her face, right?"


"So, are you playing games with her? Are you interested in her, gay...asexual, religious, or something else?"

"...No, It's nothing like that!"

"Then why are playing you playing these games with Xuelian?"

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