Chapter 277: Private Meeting

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The announcer came back on stage and spoke saying that each tournament would be a single elimination 128 bracket tournament style. To enter the tournament, a set of instructions would be sent to each registered player individually. The first 128 players to complete the objective and arrive in the city of [Finvarath] would be able to participate in the elimination rounds.

After about an hour everyone received a message. The message said.

{Seven of seven fangs thou must have found, to then seek the hidden entrance of the fairy's mound, ever forward westbound, you'll find within earth's ground, great treasures of renown, the glittering jewels are abounding, yet seek the soul sword to astound, and proceed to the next round.}

Xuelian and I decided to take off, to have a meeting in private away from prying ears trying to listen in for clues.

We decided to hold the discussion in Xuelian's room in the inn. Personal rooms and inns are locked to the user and can only be broken into by the deftest of thieves.

Throughout the entire conversation I was on edge. I couldn't stop sweating, and my leg wouldn't stop shaking.

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