Chapter 329: Willpower

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"In this world, and even in the real, will transcends all."

Without warning Sevosmai delivered a two part kick to my stomach that sent me flying back, and reeling in pain. Sevosmai raised his hands as if he was giving praise to some unseen force, "the ability to transcend and overcome all obstacles, doubt, setbacks and even failure. The human will has no limit! Through wisdom we adapt and overcome, through sheer force of will we destroy all that stands in our way."

Sevosmai lowered his hands, and I could feel his gaze settling on me. "Don't you agree. When two of equal strength, speed, and stamina clash is it not the human will that decides the winner. The ones who will do what it takes to achieve their dreams and goals, are they no the ones who stand above all."

"Yes, you, are right, I fully agree," I replied through pain in my chest.

"I knew it, I knew it!" He said with an enthusiasm that seemed, zealous. "You and I can understand one another. None I have fought or come across understand what power is. However you are the one that truly understands the laws of the universe."

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