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All the amazing characters, places and some scenes used belong to the CW and DC comics.

"Alex" he shouted as he walk furiously towards her standing in front of the high tec control pannel.

"Have you seen Kara" He said searching her eyes frantically as if the answer was inside of her.

"No. Why whats wrong?" she said her voice rising with her concern.

"She wasn't in the apartment this morning. At first i waited thinking she went out for coffee but then she wasn't answering any of her calls and thats not like her and..."

"Hey Mon-El calm down" she interrupted.

"I'm sure she's just taking a breather. It's hard for her to process things at the moment you know shes never had a boyfriend before this is all very new to both of you."

"Your right i have been staying around alot i guess she needed some time to her self" he muttered not totally convinced by what he was saying.

"Yeah. hey go home im sure she'll check in."

Reluctantly he turned away and left for the exit door of the massive DEO building.

"Hey, Winn..urrr what are you doing"

"Oh nothing just playing with potato chips and going about my usual DEO business" he tried to laugh it off quickly shutting down his game and looked down at his bag of potato chips defeated.

"I need you to track kara phone"

"Yeah sure" he said tring to change the mood of the situation.

"That should be no problem but...It's been disconnected from the system"

"Well then try her DEO tracker" her voice shook.

"Wow Thats not supposed to happen. It appears her tracker has been off line for the past 4 hours but that can only happen if the agent is dead."

Alex drew in a sharp breath processing the words Winn had just said.

"Well shes not dead which means shes been taken"

"Do you have any idea who by"

"I think i have a very good idea who" before she had finished her sentence she had grabbed her earpiece from the dest and was out the door.


The ground was hard under Karas limp body. As she came around she lifted her head only for it to stiffen sending a shock of pain down her back. Wincing she raised her hand to the back of her neck only to pull it away and find her fingers covered in blood.

"Arh i see your awake....how comforting" a women in her early fourties stepped forwards from the shadows of the room.

"Lillian" Kara tried to say but all that came out was a murmer as she rose to her feet. She rushed at the lillian only to be hit by solid metal bars in front of her. She stumbled back and fell down onto the floor. Her head met the floor harshly and she tilted her head to see Lillian standing over her.

"Now this is better isn't it. Where you get to be the weak one and i get to tower over you. Makes a change doesn't it."she hissed.

"I have nothing to say to you." kara spat back.

Lillian grabbed the back of karas head and snapped it back suddenly making kara bolt up right looking directly up at the Cadmus leader.

"Not now you don't but what if i brought your Daxamite boy to join our lovely conversation would you like to co-operate then."

"What have you done to him?! Please leave Mon-El out of this. If you hurt him i swear ill"

"Do what...destroy me and all that i stand for. The way i see it you're my little battery untill you wear out of solar radiation then i can keep you in this cell like Superman did to my Lex. And no i havent done anything to your precious Mon-El."she smerked. "yet."

A screen suddenly flickered on in the corner of Karas cell. It displayed Mon-El pacing around her apartment.

"Oww look he misses you and you've only been gone what 4 hours. Wow he must really love you, but tell me do u care for him as much?"

"Of course I do" Kara winced.

Lillians grip tightened. "Good then you'll do as i say" with that she slammed Kara's head down into the ground and Karas world went black.


"Mon-El" Alex burst through Karas apartment door.

"Yep" mon-El replied weakly.

"Hey we're gonna find her" Alex said as gently as possible as she pulled him into a friendly embrace.

"Mon-El" she said as he pulled away. He  looked down at her, concern spread across his face.

"When u left i asked Winn to track Kara just to be on the safe side but her tracker was disabled"

"Wait doesnt that only happen when..."
"Oh god." He sat down on the couch his head in his hands.

"Not necessarily someone could have removed it to cover their tracks."

"Well we've got to be out there looking."

"We're doing our best. Honestly i think the best thing for you to do now is.."

"No! No way" he interupted  "No way am i gonna let someone else look for her. I need to be there"

"I understand but your just gonna hurt yourself more worring"

"Im gonna hurt myself!" he shouted in disbelief. "I cant believe you just said that when Kara's out there probably being hurt. How can i sit back and wait while the woman i love is in pain. Alex i cant. I cant wait to find out from someone else that shes hurt or...." he closed his eyes. "......worse .....i have to find her. Imagine if it was Maggie. Please"

"I have, trust me, i have, and i would go find Maggie just as much as you want to find Kara." she said as calmly as she could.

"Then let me help"


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