chapter 62

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I catch up with Kora as she returns from her outfit finding with Arden and Kara.

Before I can say anything she turns around and looks at me. She looks sort of confused but a shy smile plays on her face and her perfect cheeks turn rosey.

"Oh Kora this is Winn." Arden informs her. She avoids eye contact and smiles at the floor.

"H...I... Kor...a" Damn it why can't I keep cool.

"Hi Winn." She extends her hand and I shake it firmly.

"We'll leave you guys in peace." Arden says and smiles at Kara as the walk off together. I watch as Kara walks over to Mon-El, who's holding Hope, and hugs him. Arden goes over to Alex and descretly holds her hand.

"So... What's there to do in National City Winn?" Her voice draws me back to her.

"Oh um... There's ice cream and other foods obviously if you don't like ice cream but I mean who doesn't like ice cream... And arcades... And stores." Damn it I'm doing it again.

"Can you show me around this place and then can we go into the city? I've heard a lot about you and your star wars fascination."

"It's not a fascination it is a passion." I retaliate. No one can judge my Star Wars love. "I know everything. Every quote I even collect a hella lot of merchandise."

"This is not the merchandise your looking for." I think I just fell in love. She just connected what I said to a star wars quote.

I stand stunned as she talks more. Turns out she likes star wars and video games.


It feels like ages since I've been back here. The apparent looks untouched. I

"Hey keep her out." I say softly as Mon-El starts to lie Hope down in her crib.

I sit on the couch and he joins me laying Hope in my arms.

"She's so beautiful. Just like her mother." Mon-El adds as he stares at us. I feel my cheeks getting warmer imagining the redness of my face as I let Hope play with my finger.

"Its true Kara. I haven't got to say it recently but your so beautiful. I'm so lucky. I'm so lucky to have you and now Hope. I couldn't have dreamed for a more perfect family." I smile at him and look down at Hope.

"Neither could I. When I was on krypton it was mainly arranged marriages. I don't know if I ever told you but I was 'promised' to this son of a council member called Caleb. I didn't get to know him very well but from what I could tell he was a nice person, but I knew I didn't want him. Not like that anyway. I tried to change my parents mind but it wasn't up to them.

I knew I wanted to marry for love, whoever I wanted and make my own decisions but it never ever crossed my mind I would have a beautiful family with the Prince of Daxam." I smile at him even though he looks slightly dazed by the mention of Daxam.

"It never crossed my mind I would fall in love and be in love with a Kryptian let alone you. I was so much older than you when we where on our own planets its almost creepy to think about." He giggles to himself slightly.

"Well look what happened. A perfect little girl." I look down at a sleeping Hope in my arms her little fingers still managing to just about cling to mine.

"Kara. Your perfect. You always have been. You always will be to me. She's perfect because of you." We both have big cheesy grins on our faces and I  stare into his eyes for what feels like forever.

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