Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the end scene of this chapter. I based the description on the scene. All rights go to the CW for the final scene.


"What?! How can I even trust you!" How is Lead going to save Kara?

"Because I saved you. And because I'm the only person who knows how to bring your beloved girlfriend back. When you and Kara were in our custody we ran some tests.You see your planets were sister worlds. Krytonians are effected by Kryptonite, Daxamites with lead. But what they didn't know was each other's weaknesses were their own strengths. Daxamites would be stronger with Kryptonite, Krytonians would be stronger with Lead. Creating the best weapons for each side. Poisoning on race and making themselves stronger. Of coarse no one ever attacked the other with the right methods. If your worlds had known you would have distroyed each other a long time ago. Don't tell me when Kara's been hurt with Krontonite you haven't felt stronger." She looked down at me her usual smirk spreading across her face. She had a point. When Kara was hurt I did feel stronger. I don't know whether to trust her but right now she's the only option I have to save Kara.

"How much Lead would it take to save Kara?" I know the answer isn't going to be good.

"In order to keep her alive permanently, the whole of Earths atmosphere. " I would have to leave Kara. I'm going to die definitely now. Kara can't save me from this. This is saving Kara.


The DEOs so noisy. I have so many papers to sign I can't concentrate. Everyone going about their business. It's as if they've forgotten Supergirl is dead. Winns on the computer next to me probably setting up a new software in a language I can't even begin to understand. All of a sudden, I can't hear any noice. It's as if someone had hit the pause button. I look up from the dest to see everyone frozen, agents guns pulled out their holsters and J'onn at the front of the crowd. I get up to see what's going on but I can't see over everyone's heads. I can hear Mon-Els voice speaking to J'onn.

"J'onn tell them to lower their weapons she means us no harm she's her to help." Mon-El says calmly and clearly.

"She can not be here." J'onns tone was defiant.

"J'onn at least let me explain" what's Mon-El doing? Who has he got with him? J'onn says something to the rest of the agents and they all lower their guns. They clear a path way to the control panel for Mon-El and his 'guest', J'onn behind them. I realize who it is instantly.

"Lillian what are u doing here? Mon-El what's going on? Why do u have this monster with u"

"Well I think I can answer the latter however 'monster' is abit harsh. Your new budding broken hearted hero here tried to kill himself. I saved him and offered him a way to save Kara." her voice stays on a constant level.

"Mon-El what is she talking about? You tried to kill yourself?" He just nodded. I can't believe it. We were supposed to find a cure for Kara together. And he just wants to quit? We all have to live with Kara being gone not just him.

"Mon-El how do we save Kara?" He explains to me the history of Lead and Kryptonite and their worlds.

"Okay well lets do it" I say. I'm finally going to get my sister back.

"Well it's not that simple is it Mon-El?" Lillian asked him.

Mon-El gives me a hard look, his eyes filled with sadness. "In order to save Kara we have to irradiate the entire Earths atmosphere with Lead to keep her alive." I breath in sharply hearing his words.

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