Chapter 29

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We all stand around Hope's grave, our black outfits reflecting the mood of the day, the rain drums against our umbrellas. I'm in Mon-Els arms hugging myself into him. We stand like this the entire funaral. I can't leave his side. I keep looking over at Arden. Mon-El had invited her but I still hate her. No. I despise her. Everyone makes their way over to me and Mon-El and hug us, forcing me to let go of Mon-El. I don't need this right now. I don't need pitty. I'm upset but im also so angry.

"I better go back to the legion." I hear Arden say to Mon-El as she leaves.

"Kara I'm...I'm still so sorry." I just stare down at my daughters grave. Arden leaves without saying anything else.

"Kara. Do you wanna go?" Mon-El asks as everyone leaves us.

"Yeah" I need to except what has happened.

"Okay." He hugs me again before helping me into his car. He decided to buy a car when we returned to 2017 and we've been using it ever since. I haven't flown since we got back.

He parks outside our apartment building. He finally moved in. After all this time. It's always been his home but now we've actually made it official.

I fall straight onto the couch.

"You okay?" He stands at the end of the couch.

"No. I should be over it. We didn't even know her Mon-El. She's not part of our lives yet. Maybe now she never will be. But there's just something still eating at me and I don't know what"

"Kara, you saw your own daughter murdered in front of you. It's okay to still be upset..."

"You saw it. She's your daughter too and your not in ruins." I say sharpy.

"It still hurts Kara. I may not show it because I'm trying to be strong for you. You need someone to lean on and that person is always going to be me. I am always going to be strong for you no matter what. I still find it really hard to show and feel my emotions because i was raised not to have any." He sits down next to me.

"I couldn't be sentimental to my people and I couldn't be loving or sentimental to the women I used to have. Trust me Kara I regret everyday about my past. I wish I treated those..girls differently. I wish I treated everyone differntly. But I couldn't until you taught me. You taught me to be a good person. To love and cherish everything. To respect. And by doing that you also made me fall in love with you. To want to cherish you every day for my whole life and respect you so much because you are an incredible woman. So don't think your weak for caring about something that hasnt happened yet. It shows you have a heart. A beautiful, unconditional loving heart." I look up at him and smile.

"What?" he questions.

"Don't ever dout yourself." I take his face in my hands. "I don't care what you've done in your past. I love you for being you. I know you come with a lot of baggage from a cruel life but that isn't your fault. Nothing you've ever done wrong is your fault. You were raised on a terrible planet and you are too good and too kind to ever be associated with it. You may be from Daxam Mon-El but you are not a tipical Daxamite. Your amazing."

"How did you get so wise?" He whispers.

"Ummm...well I am from Kryton and you know we were pretty 'high and mighty'" I laugh.

"Oh okay..." He smiles and kisses me. He leans over me making me lay down on the couch, kissing me slowly. It's the first time since we left that we've kissed. It feels so good to finally be able to kiss him again.

"You know we may have to buy a new couch. We're gonna brake this one soon." He puts his hand on the arm rest above my head to help him balence but his grip is too tight on perpose and it collapses under his strength. My head falls with the side of the couch but he catches me.

"You'll have to do worse than that." I whisper in between our kisses. He rolls both of our weight to the back of the couch and the whole thing tips backwards taking us with it. I can hear the wood in the back of the seats brake as we land. He leans on his elbow next to my head to take his weight off of me. We're still kissing when he stands us up and I watch as he stands the couch up. i let out a laugh when I see the back of the couch hang limply off the back.

"Okay. New couch it is." I say through my smile.

"You know the next new thing we need?" He asks grinning.

"What's that?" I say trying to be serious but still laughing.

"A bed" he starts to walk towards me still grinning.

"But there's nothing wrong with it. It's not broken." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Not yet" He picks me up and throws me onto it.

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