chapter 63

343 19 4

2 years later.


"No no no no no! Mon-El!". I scream as I rush around the kitchen and living room trying to pick up everything that's getting knocked over.

"What? What is it?!" He practically slides around the corer from our bedroom and into the kitchen, skidding to a halt.

"Oh jeez I got it" He frantically runs after a small blur that whizzes around the living room.

"Hope! Hope! Please stop now baby!" I try to get in front of her but she darts around me, leaving Mon-El to bash into me. I fall backwards with him on top of me.

"Hi." I say staring up at him.

"Hi" He says as he gazes back.

"Hi." The smallest cutest little voice says from next to me. We both turn our heads to see Hope, who has now stopped and is standing right next to our heads.

"Why you little." Mon-El says in his sweet voice trying to wind Hope up as he rolls off me and reaches over to her. He takes her in his arms, lays her in his lap, and tickles her tiny little stomach making her laugh on the cutest way possible. Her little giggle fills the room. I crawl over to them and tickle Hopes feet, Mon-El and I join her in her laughter.


Arden places one hand on Alex's back, their daughter holding the Ardens other hand. Katie smiles up at them as they walk into the DEO. Arden looks down at their baby in Alexs arms and smiles. I can faintly see Alex's wedding ring as she pulls Lily's pink fluffy hood over her more. They have two beautiful girls.

Winns already playing space invaders on his computer. Clearly it's 'bring you kids to work day' as he trys to show Luke how to play, even though he's only a few days old. We all know why he called his son Luke. I'm sure Winn will use 'Luke, I am your father' alot when he's older. Not just when Lukes in trouble.

Kora's sitting on the desk looking admiringly down at them, smiling and laughing when Winn says something and all their son does is burp or smiles abit.

It makes me so proud to see everyone happy. I feel a sense of responsibility and parenthood to all of them. I love them all, and their children.

After Kara and Mon-El had Hope, Arden and Alex were next to get married. They adopted their first child Katie not long after. She was only a few months old when they adopted her. Now she's a very healthy happy 3 year old, she's just a bit abit older than Hope.

Winn and Kora got married about a year ago, but they didn't have Luke until 3 days ago. Just before Winn got married to Kora, Alex and Arden adopted Lily who's now a few months old.

As I reminess about my honarary adopted children and grandchildren, Mon-El and Kara arrive. Hope walks in the middle of her parent, holding both of their hands, being stung by Kara and Mon-El with each step.

When Katie and Hope see each other they run and bump into each other giving the other a big hug. It's adorable to see them. They hold hands and join the rest of the group, running straight over to Winn. He bends down over the arm of his chair and gives them both a big hug, an arm around both of them, listening to what they want to say.

"You'll have to ask your Mummys and daddy." He says to them trying to be descrete.

"Dadda." Hope tugs on one of Mon-Els fingers.

"Mumma." Katie does the same to Alex.

"Can we go play with uncle Winn in the big room." The big room being the training room.

Kara, Mon-El, Alex and Arden look at each other and nod.

"Yes of course you can." Mon-El says to the both of them.

"As long as your careful." Alex shouts after them but Winn has already scoped them up so he has one child on each hip and walks away goofily, kicking his legs out.

Kora and Alex both sit on chairs with their babys in their arms and talk to me, Kara and Mon-El who are all standing.

"KARA, MON-EL!! KORA!! Jonn!! SOMEONE WITH POWERS!!" Winn shouts from the training room.

"Oh God what now. " Kara says looking over at Mon-El. They all suddenly hand me they're children and superspeed off to help.


We arrive to see Hope flying uncontrollably around the room. She looks like she's happy however the look on her parents faces says it all. They are clearly not happy.

I fly up with Kara as we try to control the situation. Mon-El stays on the ground with Winn just in case Hope falls. She's only young she can't possibly know how to actually control her powers.

Hope swipes down and grabs Katie's hand. She fly around with Katie now in her arms. They both look like their having fun. The terror that goes through all of us is clear as we all converge on Hope to try and get her to put Katie down.

Hope slowly looks like she starts to get tired and drops Katie. Shes almost hits the floor but Arden super speed into the room and catches her daughter. Hope falls too and Mon-El is quick to cradle her.

"okay maybe it's time we did something else." Kara suggests as Mon-El hands Hope to her.

"Good idea." Winn adds out of breath. He hasn't even done anything I think to myself and smile.

Everyone leaves as I fly down to him and kiss him gently.

"You handled that well babe." I say pulling away and smiling.

"I love you." He says gazing into my eyes.

"I love you too." He smiles his adorable nerd smile at me and holds my hand as we walk back into the control room to join everyone else.

Just as we go to talk to everyone an alarm starts ringing. Winn pulls up the issue on the giant computer screen and everyone looks at each other.

"Ready?" Kara looks over at all of us and nods.

"Ready." Everyone replies and nods.

We all run towards the balcony, ripping our shirts to reveal our individual symbols.

Okay I'm a shit writer. I know I am. I haven't updated this in so long and I feel really really bad. I have reasons but I don't wanna bombard u guys with excuses so I would just like to say I am so so sorry and thank you to any one who is still reading this story even though I was terrible at updating. I'll to a couple more chapters to complete the story fully and I PROMISE they will be more frequent.

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