chapter 37

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We slept one to couch the entire night. Karas still sleeping in my lap layed on her back. I never realised before but Now I can see a small rise in her stomach. I don't know how the city's going to cope without supergirl. But it will. It has too. Kara doesn't just have her self or me to care about. Instead I'm gonna take care of her and J'onn is going to help with the city's wellbeing. I feel her move her head against my lap as she wakes up. She looks up at, me her eyes slighting duller with tiredness.

"Hi." I say, my voice deeper as its early. She pulls a funny face at me and starts to move more.

"You need to go?" My voice is so soft. She just nods. I move my arm so she can run into the bathroom. I run after her and get there just as she starts. I stand behind her and hold hair back once again.

"Im sorry." She says looking down to the floor.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I kneel next her and lift her head up so our eyes meet.

"You never need to be sorry about anything. Ever." She nods and I bow our heads together. "I mean tecniquly if you want to blame someone this is my fault." She scrunches her eyebrows at me and pulls a 'really?' Face.

"That's not really true is it?" She says. I just look at her sympathetically.  "I'm um...I'm going go see Alex at the DEO." She whispers.

"Okay. I'll catch you up in abit." I say stroking a piece of her her behind her eye. "Ill meet you there." She smiles at me and I return one of my own. She stands and heads to her closet. She can't use her super speed so it takes her around ten minutes. Whilst she's changing I go and make coffee for us. She finally Reamearges wearing a baggy grey sweatshirt tucked into a black skirt that reached to her knees. I think the sweatshirts actually mine but I can't remember she always wears it.
"See you later." She says walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

"Bye babe." I say as she opens to door. she gives me a small wave before leaving. I know she's trying to hide her stomach with baggy clothes. She has nothing to hide for now but she can't keep it hidden forever.


That's how it should have been. My dream was so beautiful I wish it was reality. But its not. And now I have to face the truth. The real world.

I role over onto my back, I can feel my face is wet from crying. Im now living in my worst fear. The fear that Mon-El will leave and I will have nothing. I will be nothing.

I get ready miserably and walk to the DEO. Having no powers feels really strange. It sucks. Not being able to fly is the worst. Not feelings the breeze on my face as I stretch my arms out gliding in the sky. Half of my body gets shunted forwards by someone barging past me. I realise I've stopped in the middle of the side walk with my eyes closed, imagining the old feeling. I put my head down and head the rest of the way to the DEO.


I decide to give Kara more time than I normally do to walk to the DEO. I dont wan't to over take her especially as she should have sometime to herself with Alex and I don't want to rub it in that I still have my powers by flying and getting there faster than her. She's still getting used to her new normal.

And because she won't want to see me and to be honest I'm still very upset. I don't think I can face seeing her straight away right now. So I decided to walk instead of fly there. I could drive but walking always gives me time to think and reflect. I walk out into the corridor and turn to lock the door. Before I can turn the key I feel something stick into my neck. Not being able to fight it, I fall back hitting my head on the floor.


"Kara!" Alex shouted as she ran towards me.

"Hey you okay? You know the thing." She tries to keep her voice down so no one I haven't told doesn't find out. Arh Winn doesn't know! I know J'onn will find out I mean he can't read my mind but he can read Alexs, which is not great sometimes. At least its one less person to brave telling cause its scary. Its a new thing that Mon-El and I have to face alone for the first time. But now maybe it's something I have to face alone.

"Yeah everything's fine." I can't help but sound unconvincing.

"Kara." Of coarse she doesn't believe me.

"I've been sick a lot." I can't keep my tears in. "and um...Mon-El left." I say looking at the floor.

"Oh Kara." She pulls me into her arms. "I'm so sorry." My tears have already drenched her shoulder.

"I know but its just so horrible Alex. I wanna be with Mon-El and wake up with him but I can't because I'm always in the bathroom and he...he can't forgive me for lying and he's so angry. We're both upset and it's not working. I shouldn't be getting these problems. These are human things. Im not human."

"Kara there's somethings that happen to every race. Im not sure it matters whether your human or Kryptonian. Love is love" she pauses for a second. "And I'm gonna kill Mon-El." She tries to get me to look at her.

"No please don't. Its been so hard already."

"I know." She pulls me into a tighter hug.

"Arh please not that tight." She emediently loosens her grip.

"Oh my God im so sorry." She pulls away and looks at me.

"It's okay. I'm okay." Her face grows less tense when I say that.

"Hey. I can run some tests if you want on the baby. To put your mind at ease and to be on the safe side."

"Yeah sure. I'm just worried you know? I don't know what I'm doing."

"That's why we're all here to support and help you." Our eyes finally meet.

"Well not everyone." I roll my eyes. She pulls a tiny grin to try to cheer me up. It doesn't work though. Mon-Els not the only person I meant. I look over at Winn.

"You haven't told Winn yet?!" I glare at her.

"Shhhh! No I haven't I dont know how or what to say. And I dont even know what I'm gonna do about James. I dont know if I should tell him or not. If I don't he'll find out. And my job. Now that Lena owns Catco she's gonna have to authorise my time off I mean how am I gonna tell her i need time off? As her friend? as her employee? I ...I dunno."

"Hey listen to me its gonna be fine. No ones forcing you to tell people. Take your time do it when you feel comfortable okay? Dont get stressed." I just pull her into another hug.

"Thank you." I whisper into her ear.


My body feels tight. Its like I'm trapped under a shear amount of weight. I open my eyes slowly, the memories of what happened flooding back. I'm in a small grey room. The air is so thick it makes me ill. I choke on the invisable mist. Some feeling returns to my arms and it burns. They're tided up just above my shoulders, attacked to the sides of the room, my body resting on my knees. My wrists burn in the cuffs. Lead. Its in the air too. That's why I'm coughing so violently. I get up to my feet, my wrists still bound above my head.

"Well Daxamite. Its so good to see your finally awake." I know that sarcastic tone from anywhere. Lillian steps out of the shadows to stand in front of me.

"What...what do u want...from me." I ask already breathless.

"We don't want anything with you. I don't care what happens to you in fact I was planning on killing you. We just want what always comes with you." My heart skips a beat.

"Supergirl is very valuable to me. You see when you saved her all those years ago I wasn't finished. I still need her. So now I feel its the perfect opportunity to continue especially now I have a new business partner. You see our deal works pretty well. I want Supergirl but my partner is hell bent on getting you. Its a win win for both of us." She looks around the room.

"And who might your new business partner be Lillian?" I ask now gasping for air. She turns round towards the door and opens it. Its so dark but I can make out the figure.

"Hello Mon-El." The voice speaks so clearly through the thick, dark air. I thought I left that voice on Daxam.


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