Chapter 18

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We fly to the port were we find Reign next to a burning oil tank. The rains put the worst of it out, the cool night breeze helping extinguish it.

"Oh you got my message. I'm glad you came."

"Reign, please why are you doing this?" I say taking a step closer to her.

"Because you killed my daughter!" She screams are me, her face filling with sadness. "You failed to save my daughter with your boyfriend. You only care about yourself and the ones you love."

"I'm sorry your daughter died. I really am. Being responsible for deaths especially children's haunts me every day." I try to calm her down but I can see its not working.

"Yeah well you didn't have to watch your child burn from the Lead radiation! I was made by Krytonian scientists to be a world killer. I am part Krytonian, part Daxamite. My daughter got my Daxamite genes. She spent her last moments in agony. Now you and your boyfriend will pay for what you have done." Her story touches me. I feel sorry for her. Her child didn't deserve to die just because she had similar genes to Mon-Els. But she makes a good point. I was only thinking of Mon-El. Before I can apologize again and explain myself she launches herself at Mon-El catching him off guard. She can leap like him and fly's like me, she's strong like the both of us and she's made of kryptonite. How do we stand a chance against her? How can I beat her? Mon-Els thrown off balance but nods at me. I nod back before flying into the air, Reign following.

"I'm sorry about your daughter Reign. I wish I could go back and save her."

"I don't care what you say Supergirl. You will always be a selfish hero." She fly's towards me her arm outstretched and strikes me hard in my stomach. I try to deflect her attack but the Krytonite gets the better of me and I fall down to the ground. My back slams the floor, my head hitting the concrete. My vision goes blurry but I can make out Mon-El running towards me, J'onn fighting Reign behind him. He kneels by my side checking me over.

"I'm fine. Just go help J'onn" he does as I say as I get up to my feet. In the distance I can see Arden and the rest of the Legion approaching. Soon their fighting with us all using their unique powers. Someone throws a fire ball at her whilst someone else attacks from the sky. Mon-El and J'onn both go in and punch her at the same time. I fly up and shoot my lasers at her. She looks confused by where the attacks are coming from. She trys to counter mine whilst defending again J'onn and Mon-El. Ardens there helping Mon-El and J'onn with here contact fighting before she fly's up next to me.

"Hey why dont we work together. But we need to get everyone away from Reign." She says looking concerned for the others.

"Okay." I put my finger to my ear to activate the comes between me Mon-El and J'onn.

"Guys you need to make everyone move away from Reign. Arden has a plan."

"Okay." J'onn replies. Mon-El nods up at me.

"So what's your plan." I ask her as everyone stops fighting Reign.

"Shoot your lasers towards her chest. She's made of practically everything including Krytonite so hopefully we can short her out instead. An electrical current plus all kinds of elements..." She explains.

"Yeah." I agree and aim my lasers at Reign. To my amazement, Arden shoots columns of water out of her hands which mixes with my heat vision. Reign trys to stand against us but drops to her knees. Me and Arden lower own selves to the ground. I can hear cop cars in the distance along with the sound of DEO helicopters. The agents drop down on ropes, Alex leading the squad, their weapons aimed at Reign. Maggie's car pulls up almost emediently after. Mon-El runs over to me and Arden whilst J'onn goes over to suppervise Reigns arrest.

"You guys okay?" He says looking from Arden to me and back again.

"We're fine." She says. "Your a very lucky guy to have Supergirl as a girlfriend."

"Fiancée actually. And yeah I am." He says. We both smile at each other and Arden casually moves away. I laugh as he puts his arms around my shoulders.

"Congratulations." She says looking proud and maybe sad? As she walks away.

"Well you just took out another villain." He says.

"Yeah well I couldn't have done it without you" he raises an eyebrow. "And J'onn and the Legion." I add feeling guilty for leaving everyone out. We make our way over to everyone. I can see J'onn and Alex load Reign into a DEO van. Hopefully we have a cell that will hold her.

"I want to thank you all for helping. Not just for bringing Mon-El home but for helping win the fights we've faced. I'm so grateful to each and everyone of you." I say projecting my voice as loud and as far as I can over the large legion. I think everyone heard. I hope they did.

"So now that the fights over what are you and the Legion going to do?" I ask Arden as she passes me.

"Urr I'm not sure. I'm sure we'll figure it out though. We might stay on Earth for a bit longer then go back. What about you?" She looks at me her eyes filled with hope.

" have a wedding to plan." I say. I don't want to shove it in her face although I'm very happy!

"I know its going to be wonderful. The three of you will be so happy." Alex walks up behind me.

"Thanks." I say to Arden. "I'm sure we will be." I look at Alex and Mon-El.

"Hey me and J'onn are gonna head back. I'm gonna go back to Maggies after we lock her up." She looks over at the van Reign is now in. "Ill see you tomorrow." She says kissing my cheek before heading over to J'onn.

"You 'know its gonna be wonderful'?" Mon-El asks Arden confused.

"Oh yeah did I tell you? I'm physic." She turns around and fly's off, the rest of the legion following her before we could say anything in response. Me and Mon-El look at each other confused before bursting out laughing and heading back to the DEO.

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