Chapter 35

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After my talk with Alex I decide to get advice from the one woman who knows everything. The first person outside my family I'm going to tell. I get a flight to Washington and make my way to her press secretary office. I knock lightly on the door twice.

"Come in." The voice I've only heard on the TV since she left shouts from her room. I enter and she looks up from her desk, her eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Kira?" She says smiling as she gets up from her desk. "Oh Sweety what has happened to your fashion sense." She pulls a discussed face at my outfit. I giggle. She hasn't changed a bit.

"Hi Miss Grant." I say nervously. She looks me up and down.

"Kara I told that Kale and Mango diet would do wonders. Clearly you've stuck to your pot stickers." She waves her pen in circles at me pointing out what she meant. Her humour hasn't changed either.

"Um... Haha...Miss Grant its not the pop stickers. I really need your advice." I sit down on her cream couch.

"Oh Kara." She sits down next to me. For some reason I feel tears making there way into my eyes. I can tell she's worked out why I'm here.

"Are you..." I just nod. For one of the first times ever she pulls me into a hug. We just sit there, her arms around me. I wrap mine around her to join the hug properly.

"How long have you known?" She says pulling away.

"Ummm... Maybe three or four days ?" I say uncertain. I honestly can't remember.

"Well Don't be scared. I know its scary but your a strong woman Kara. No matter what stick to your instincts and think about the baby. And don't get stressed Arh its the worst. Try not to upset yourself either. But I believe in you and I know you will make a great mum.

Take it from a woman who has been married four times but only had one child, believe it or not. Its hard. But its also very rewarding. Just work through the bad and keep Mon-El close. Don't be like me Kara. Stay with him. Be good to him. Maybe settle down in a cottage in the countryside if you want to. And most importantly make sure he's good to you." She laughs slightly. I smile at her words.

" Yeah." I say listening her words closely, looking down at the floor and pushing my glasses up my nose.

"Who else have you told?...You have told Mon-El haven't you?" She questions.

"No I haven't told him. But my sister and best friend know." I sit here trying to work out what to do.

"Oh Kara. You have to tell him. You should have told him already. He's gonna see or figure I out eventually. I mean I'm surprised he hasn't seen it now, look at you!" I look down at myself feeling so guilty.

"I know. I know. That's what everyone's been telling me. He needs to know but I just don't know how. Or if I'm ready."

"It's not a case of being ready. Time is against you. It's going to be even more visible soon, then what are you gonna tell him." She down at me over her glasses.

"I dunno. I will tell him though."

"I know you will." She pauses looking like she's thinking. "What about that techy one...Winslow."

"Winn. Not yet." I say defeated.

"Well its your decision." She sounds really understanding.

"Yeah. I know." I nod at her.

"But it's not fare on Mon-El." She adds.

"Well miss Grsnt I guess I should leave you. You look very busy and its not fare of me to travel all this way just to get advice." I get up ready to leave.

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