Chapter 41

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Lillian takes the phone away from my ear. She cut me off from Kara. The absence of Kara's voice makes me shiver. I feel so empty. Her voice filled me with hope and warmth and love but now it's gone there's nothing left inside me. I bow my head not wanting to think of my desperation for Kara.

"Well Mon-El you really did it didn't you." I lift my head slightly.

"What...what do you mean?" A small wicked smile spreads across her sagging cheeks.

"Are Mon-El. You were right. If Kara comes for you she will die. But it won't be me who gets the privilege of Killing the girl of steel." Her smile continues to grow.

"I don't... I don't understand. Who's going to kill her?" I close my eyes not wanting to see her overpowering face.

"You will." She says simply.

"WHAT?!" I ask as if it's the last thing I'm ever going to say.

"When we took you, my college injected you with a smart virus that binds with your Daxamite DNA. Like a synthetic version of red kryptonite for Kara. So we can activate it at anytime, anywhere. Obviously now you've made that massive thing of not wanting her to come for you she will because she's Supergirl and she will want to save you. When she does we will capture her and use her for what we need and release her with you into the big wide world where you can then destroy her." I stay quite for a moment.

"You have nothing to say?" She lets out a snide cackle.

"No matter what you do to me. No matter what you inject me with. I will never hurt Kara. Ever." I spit at her feet.

"Are but you see Mon-El that's where your wrong. You will watch her suffer at my hands. Then you can hold her in your arms and protect her and love her until I see fit to active your new cells. Then you will not just hurt her. You will kill Kara Zor-El." I rattle my chains as she leaves, summoning James into my room.


I sit crossed legged on his bed. I can't move. I just spoke to him. I just spoke to Mon-El after over a week of not knowing. But I didn't really speak to him. I heard his voice, and it was his, but it was broken and full of pain. It didn't feel like Mon-El. It felt like pain and emptiness. I hear the door slam from behind me but I don't look around. Suddenly I see a flash of dark brown hair and a small figure appears crouching next to me.

Her hair is so perfect it makes me want to rip all mine out in frustration. She looks older, her eyes have more wisdom and age even though she doesn't look a day older than when I saw her last.

"Kara I'm so sorry..." her voice is so soft and comforting I almost want her company.

"Just don't. Why are you here Arden?" I interrupt her.

"Kara please just listen to me." She puts her hand on my knee.

"Please don't say that just...just please don't say those words." Mon-Els same words ring fresh in my mind.

"Okay I'm sorry. Alex called me to help. It's just I want to apologise for... for Hope and anything else I may have done to you." I snicker. "But I want to help Mon-El too. He is a dear friend and I would like to see him back and okay." She starts to stroke my knee calmingly and try's to make eye contact with me.

"Okay? Do you think that's what he's gonna be when he gets back? No Arden. He is going to be broken. He is going to have nightmares every night. He maybe safe and away from there but he will never be able to escape that place. It will haunt him. And do you know the person who will be caring for him. Hugging him tight when he wakes up shivering and in tears? Screaming? Me. Not you not Alex not anyone. Me. Because I love him and I will never desert him." I finally make eye contact, a tear slipping over my eyes lid.

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